[Abstract]:In recent years, with the vigorous development of civil nuclear power industry in China, nuclear power projects of various types, such as CPR1000,EPR,AP1000,CAP1400, and different technical standards have been launched one after another, and the domestic large equipment manufacturing enterprises have ushered in the spring trend of nuclear power. Huge investment has been invested in the construction of nuclear power equipment manufacturing base in order to occupy more market share in the civil nuclear power market. However, when a large number of orders have been obtained, due to the delay in the procurement of raw materials, inadequate technical preparation, schedule management methods can not adapt to the development of the project and other factors. The actual progress and schedule of most projects are quite different. Taking D Company of a nuclear power equipment manufacturing enterprise as an example, this paper takes the process of manufacturing schedule management of steam generator in A nuclear power project as the research object. This paper analyzes and puts forward new ideas and methods of project schedule management in nuclear power equipment manufacturing enterprises. The core of project management is project schedule management, which is the key quantification standard of project success or not. It is also a must-kill device to win users and seize the market. A good schedule management must be supported by a good progress plan, especially in nuclear power project main equipment projects with strict management, rigorous procedures, long duration and complex interface relationships. How to ensure the progress of the project can achieve the expected goal, meet the contract requirements and user requirements, is the key to the company's continued faster and better development. This paper first introduces the basic situation of company D, the organization of schedule control management, the current situation and the existing problems, combined with D company A project steam generator manufacturing schedule management actual cases, On the basis of drawing lessons from the advanced experience of the same type of manufacturing enterprises at home and abroad in project schedule planning and schedule control, the management of steam generator manufacturing schedule of Project A is reformulated. This paper puts forward new ideas and ideas on project integration plan formulation and schedule management control, finds out a new method suitable for project schedule management of D Company, and optimizes and improves A project schedule management of D Company. The application of A project steam generator manufacturing schedule management is studied and verified. Based on the analysis of project A, the paper puts forward new management methods and measures to solve practical problems, which has certain guiding significance for the project schedule management of company D. Also for the same type of manufacturing enterprises progress control and management work to provide some reference and reference.
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