[Abstract]:Material purchasing management is an important part of project construction, is the final product of the integration of construction unit management methods, equipment technology and economic theory, and is also the change of traditional procurement management for the fierce market competition environment. A change in adaptability. This paper mainly stands on the position of the construction unit, combines the actual situation of the current state-owned construction unit procurement management, thinks that the state-owned construction unit wants to realize the sustainable management, wants the foundation industry evergreen, Must take the project as the carrier, unceasingly enhances the comprehensive management skill level which contains each kind of material, enhances the enterprise competition ability. At present, project management is an area of great concern, and the project management of construction units involved is also a very important part of the knowledge system of project management. Under general conditions, the cost of material procurement by construction units accounts for a very large part of the project investment. This aspect of work not only covers some aspects such as quality, progress, cost, and so on, but also, Will directly affect the construction unit project work can be carried out smoothly and completed on time. Therefore, it is of great significance for the construction unit to complete the construction project successfully by strengthening the material purchasing management of the construction unit and improving the level of the procurement management. This paper mainly uses the literature research method, the observation method, the experience summary method, the interview method, the induction method, has carried on the research to the following contents: (1) introduction part. It should include the research background, purpose and significance, main contents and methods of the research. (2) analyze the current situation and existing problems of material procurement of construction units at home and abroad. This paper expounds the ways and methods of material procurement of state-owned construction units. (3) the main factors affecting material procurement of state-owned construction units are analyzed, and the internal, external and external environmental policy factors of enterprise material procurement are analyzed. This paper analyzes the problems existing in the material procurement of state-owned construction units. (4) aiming at the problems existing in state-owned construction enterprises, the countermeasures and measures to perfect the material procurement of state-owned construction units are put forward. From the internal theoretical system and internal management system of the state-owned construction unit, the concrete measures for the material purchase and implementation of the project department of the construction unit are planned.
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