[Abstract]:In recent years, most pharmaceutical enterprises in the world are facing the problems of patent drug expiration, increasing difficulty of new drug research and development, low success rate, slow progress and so on. Most of the world pharmaceutical giants adopt technology transfer to reduce the cost and maintain profit margin. Most of these patented drugs are produced in developed countries such as Europe, America and Japan, shifting their production to lower-cost developing countries and increasing net profits. Because of the advantages of large scale, low cost and huge potential of pharmaceutical market, China is becoming a good place for pharmaceutical giants to transfer technology. The World Health Organization (WHO),) International Pharmaceutical Engineering Association (ISPE) has also published a guide on drug technology transfer. At present, there is not a complete set of guidelines and practical guidance on drug technology transfer in China. Based on the analysis of the differences of technology transfer situation at home and abroad, this paper applies the project management and risk management tools to the process management of technology transfer, and combines the practical experience of large multinational pharmaceutical enterprises in drug technology transfer. Establish a scientific model of drug technology transfer, identify the risk points in the process of drug technology transfer, and formulate corresponding risk reduction measures to ensure the smooth progress of the project and pass the market GMP certification and market access. Ensure that the enterprise can control the cost scientifically and ensure the quality stability of the product. Through the research of this paper, it is hoped that the proposed drug technology transfer model can be used by Chinese pharmaceutical enterprises to implement product transfer projects, and help more Chinese pharmaceutical enterprises to adapt to the market demand and to move to the international market.
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