[Abstract]:The main line of the Middle Route of the South-to-North Water transfer Project has a long line, a large investment, a wide range of requisition and resettlement, a large number of buildings of all kinds, a large number of participating units and personnel, difficult coordination, arduous construction tasks, and high requirements for fine management. Faced with many innovative challenges, engineering construction management is extremely complex. In the practice of engineering construction management, the construction and management system is complex, the design work lags behind, the external environment along the project is complex, the demands of various stakeholders are many, the division of bidding sections is unreasonable, the supervision work is weak, and the investment control is difficult. It is a deep-seated problem which affects the management of engineering construction. To strengthen the overall arrangement of project construction, improve the quality of survey and design work, increase the coordination of the government, coordinate the economic and social development along the project, mobilize the advantages of large engineering groups, and give full play to the role of project supervision. Strengthening the investment control in the whole process of engineering construction is an effective way to improve the management effect of the project.
【作者单位】: 北京水务投资中心;南水北调中线干线工程建设管理局河南直管项目建设管理局;
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