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发布时间:2019-03-09 11:10
【摘要】:随着移动通信业务需求不断飞速增长,中国移动逐步加快基础通信网络的建设步伐,伴随项目建设的日益增多、对项目建设的力度不断加大,对项目的管理、进度监控等工作也越来越复杂。本文探讨了如何利用信息化手段,全面协调项目的立项、建设、进度监控等一系列数据和步骤,使各个部门、角色在信息化平台上高效协作,促进项目建设总体进度,确保数据的统一性和安全性。本课题在分析国内外项目管理经验的基础上,以搭建一个项目建设综合管理信息平台为切入点。基于B/S模式下的项目管理系统的开发,各个操作人员通过互联网,利用IE等浏览器,登录服务器进行操作。以核心服务器为中心,各个部门的操作人员通过OA网络登录到平台,按照权限和职责划分,进行相关操作,所管理的数据全部在服务器中存储,客户端不保留任何数据。数据库系统拟采用美国微软公司的Microsoft SQL Server大型关系型数据库系统,在存储结构上按照第三范式标准对结构进行划分、存储。制订了完整的实现技术方案,从平台架构、数据库存储方案、开发语言选型、服务器选型、短信接口测试等多个方面入手,对信息平台的开发,明确了技术思路,开发和实现了项目建设综合管理信息平台应用系统。从对项目列表的管理,到项目建设计划的管理,到项目建设进度上报,再到项目建设进度的监控与分析,按照技术设计方案,对各个模块需求进行了开发与调测,同时针对确保信息平台安全、高效运行,防范信息安全风险,从网络、数据、权限、认证、监控等方面,提出了较为明确的应对策略。
[Abstract]:With the rapid growth of mobile communication business demand, China Mobile is speeding up the construction of basic communication network step by step. With the increasing of project construction, the intensity of project construction continues to increase and the project management. Progress monitoring and other tasks are becoming more and more complex. This paper discusses how to coordinate a series of data and steps, such as project establishment, construction, progress monitoring and so on, by means of information technology, so that all departments and roles can collaborate efficiently on the information platform to promote the overall progress of the construction of the project. Ensure unity and security of data. On the basis of analyzing the experience of project management at home and abroad, this paper aims to build an integrated management information platform for project construction. Based on the development of project management system in BES mode, all operators use IE and other browsers to log in to the server for operation. Taking the core server as the center, the operators of each department log on to the platform through the OA network, carry on the related operation according to the authority and the duty division, all the managed data are stored in the server, the client does not keep any data. The database system adopts the Microsoft SQL Server large-scale relational database system made by Microsoft Company of the United States, and divides and stores the structure according to the standard of the third normal form in the storage structure. Based on the platform architecture, database storage scheme, development language selection, server type selection, short message interface test and other aspects, the technical ideas for the development of information platform are clearly defined, and a complete implementation technology scheme is drawn up, which includes platform architecture, database storage scheme, development language selection, server selection, short message interface test and so on. Development and implementation of the project construction integrated management information platform application system. From the management of the project list, to the management of the project construction plan, to the report of the project construction progress, to the monitoring and analysis of the project construction progress, according to the technical design scheme, the requirements of each module have been developed and measured. At the same time, aiming at ensuring the safety of the information platform, running efficiently and preventing the risk of information security, this paper puts forward some clear countermeasures from the aspects of network, data, authority, authentication, monitoring and so on.


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