[Abstract]:With the development of financial global informatization, the demand of small and medium-sized enterprises for loans is increasing day by day, and the credit risk naturally becomes the main goal of risk management and control prevention of financial supervision departments. This requires banks to take appropriate measures to strengthen the management of bank credit risk. The bank credit analysis system is the most basic part of the whole credit risk management system. However, before entering the bank credit analysis system, it is necessary to check the basic information of the bank credit customers. At present, many banks do not have a specific system for inspection, such as the Bank of Communications has been through the data tables to conduct the required queries, which is not only inefficient, but also the accuracy is not guaranteed. The circular guarantee risk detection system studied in this paper is designed and developed according to the special business needs of Shandong Branch of the Bank of Communications of China. Before entering the credit analysis system, It is necessary to query the basic information of the client or guarantee customer, show all the credit information of the customer intuitively through the inquiry, and make a simple risk analysis to the customer to see if there is a circular guarantee phenomenon. Find out the existing risk relationship, and provide an important reference for the next step of bank credit risk management. This paper mainly introduces the design and implementation of circular guarantee risk detection system. Firstly, this paper briefly introduces the research background, current situation and the work of the thesis, explains the software project management thought and related technology involved in the whole development process of the system, and discusses the development principle and feasibility study of the system. The business process requirements of the system are also analyzed in detail. Secondly, according to the analysis of the business needs of the Bank of Communications, it provides the detailed design scheme of the system basic structure design, customer management, system management, personnel management, risk management, inquiry statistics and so on. Finally, some functional modules of the system are tested, and the realization process of each functional module is explained by code. The circular guarantee risk detection system developed in this paper adopts the framework of MFC application program in C, combined with the three-tier C / S architecture developed by the program, and completes the development of the system through ODBC linked database platform SQL Server 2008 under the development environment of Visual Studio 2010. The system realizes customer basic information inquiry and visual display, and provides corresponding data report forms, which provides convenience for later credit analysis. At present, the system has been running on the Internet of Shandong Branch of the Bank of Communications of China, and the basic function of the system has reached the expected effect of the design according to the user's application effect.
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