[Abstract]:With the rapid development of software industry, software products are more and more widely used in various industries. However, while the scale of software is getting larger and larger, the software development cycle is compressed more and more short. And the expectations of users for the quality of software products are getting higher and higher. In this case, software testing, as a key link to ensure software quality, plays a more and more important role in the whole software life cycle. At the same time, because the internal test team is limited by a variety of factors, software third-party testing as an independent test team, through professional training, the use of professional tools, It makes the whole test process more professional, so the third party professional test team accounts for a higher and higher proportion in the software testing market. Based on the management experience of the third party test team of many software projects, according to the problems in the testing process, this paper focuses on the software testing requirements management process, test case management process, test defect management process. The third party test management process of software project is designed and improved. Test requirements management mainly focuses on the test requirements management process, from requirements acquisition to requirements analysis, review, as well as test requirements tracking and change management and other processes, not only combing the management process and its detailed steps. The roles involved in each step are also defined in detail. Software test case management discusses the implementation and management process of test case, and deeply studies the whole process of test case management, including use case design, use case maintenance and so on. In the aspect of software defect life cycle, this paper perfects the software defect management process, and focuses on the software defect analysis method and its application. In this paper, the three management processes of software testing requirements management, test case management and defect management are fully studied, and the third party test process management system is perfected. These processes have been applied in the actual project. Many problems in the process of test project management are solved, and it is proved that the management process in the management system can meet the management requirements of the company in the field of professional testing.
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