本文选题:观看体验 切入点:视频监测 出处:《北京邮电大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:近年来,OTT视频进入千家万户,视频业务流量占到整体网络流量的80%以上,并正在极速增长,但同时来自视频用户的投诉也在逐年提高。用户拥有有限的网络带宽,由于拥塞的网络状况和较低的传输速率使得很多视频用户得不到较高的视频观看体验。如何通过视频业务分析定位视频不佳的原因,提高用户视频观看体验是摆在所有视频服务商或视频内容供应商面前的一大难题。为了能够提高用户体验度留住更多的用户,视频服务商或视频内容供应商迫切需要建立一套完善的OTT视频业务质量保障体系。当前对于如何全面的评价视频业务的性能和质量,国内外并没有一个统一的标准。传统的视频测量技术多针对基于UDP的RTSP/RTP实时流媒体进行研究,测量的指标包括网络抖动、延迟因子、网络丢包等等,但是这些技术对于基于HTTP/TCP传输的OTT视频业务性能指标的测量并不适用。从另一个角度来看,以往的研究主要集中于对用户主观感受建立评价模型上,而对于这种OTT视频客观指标的监测与指标获取的研究相对比较少,所以这一领域有较大的研究意义。本论文工作主要立足于OTT视频业务角度进行视频服务质量评估,在客户端搭建业务监测分析系统,对当前主流视频网站进行实时监测。从视频在网络中的传输状况、视频自身属性、用户播放行为等角度筛选出比较常用的视频业务客观指标,通过信令获取分析、视频解码分析、用户行为监测、测量估算等方式获取以上指标。我们设计实现了一套被动获取视频业务客观指标的监测分析系统。该系统由网络数据抓取、视频解码分析、链接分析、信息展示与存储四个模块组成。本论文首先介绍了课题的研究背景和意义,阐述了当前国内外OTT视频业务监测分析的研究现状和已有的产品,指明了工作的内容及研究目标。接下来介绍了在设计开发过程中用到的相关技术,主要包括OTT视频相关技术、网络数据抓取技术、视频编解码技术以及数据库技术,为系统的开发做好技术准备。然后介绍监测系统的设计开发工作,从需求分析到概要设计再到详细设计与代码实现,严格按照软件设计开发的流程展开。在系统开发过程中对当前主流视频网站优酷、乐视、爱奇艺、腾讯、芒果TV进行了详细调研,明确了视频业务过程中各种信令的具体含义,指明了各个视频客观参数的获取方法,在系统开发后期针对各个参数进行了严格的测试分析工作。我们还在实验室环境中设计实现了 OTT视频系统,一是为了验证某些参数获取方法的可行性,二是为了可以通过可控的视频播放器获取更多与视频业务相关的参数。实验平台主要由视频服务器、音视频播放器两部分组成,主要通过在播放器内部设置监测接口来获取客观指标。
[Abstract]:In recent years, OTT video has entered thousands of households. Video traffic accounts for more than 80% of the overall network traffic, and it is growing at an extremely high speed. But at the same time, complaints from video users are also increasing year by year. Users have limited network bandwidth. Because of the congested network condition and low transmission rate, many video users can not get a higher video viewing experience. Improving the user's video viewing experience is a big challenge for all video service providers or video content providers. Video service providers or video content providers urgently need to establish a complete OTT video service quality assurance system. There is no uniform standard at home and abroad. The traditional video measurement technology is mostly focused on the real-time streaming media of RTSP/RTP based on UDP. The measurement indexes include network jitter, delay factor, network packet loss and so on. However, these techniques are not applicable to the measurement of OTT video service performance indicators based on HTTP/TCP transmission. From another point of view, previous studies mainly focus on the establishment of evaluation models for users' subjective feelings. However, there is relatively little research on the monitoring and acquisition of objective OTT video indicators, so this field has great significance. This paper is mainly based on the OTT video service perspective to evaluate the quality of video services. Build the business monitoring and analysis system in the client side to monitor the current mainstream video website in real time. From the point of view of the transmission condition of the video in the network, the attribute of the video itself, the behavior of the user playing, the objective index of the video business is screened out. The above indexes are obtained by signaling acquisition analysis, video decoding analysis, user behavior monitoring, measurement and estimation, etc. We design and implement a monitoring and analysis system for passive acquisition of objective video services, which is captured by network data. Video decoding analysis, link analysis, information display and storage are composed of four modules. Firstly, this paper introduces the research background and significance of the subject, and describes the current research situation and existing products of OTT video service monitoring and analysis at home and abroad. The contents and research objectives of the work are pointed out. Then the related technologies used in the process of design and development are introduced, including OTT video correlation technology, network data capture technology, video coding and decoding technology and database technology. This paper introduces the design and development of the monitoring system, from requirement analysis to outline design to detailed design and code implementation. In the course of the system development, the current mainstream video websites Youku, Letv, iqiyi, Tencent, Mango TV have been investigated in detail, and the specific meaning of various signaling in the video service process has been clarified. This paper points out the methods of obtaining the objective parameters of each video, and carries out strict test and analysis for each parameter in the later stage of the system development. We also design and implement the OTT video system in the laboratory environment. One is to verify the feasibility of some parameter acquisition methods, the other is to obtain more parameters related to video business through a controllable video player. The experimental platform is mainly composed of two parts: video server, audio and video player. Mainly through the player internal monitoring interface to obtain objective indicators.
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