本文选题:认知心理学 切入点:用户需求 出处:《河北师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:网页界面设计在中国的发展与发达国家相比还是处在初级阶段,但是近几年来,随着互联网的发展,人们对网页界面设计的视觉审美要求越来越高,越来越注重网页界面的艺术与技术完美结合,越来越追求个性化的视觉享受。 网页界面设计是艺术与技术相结合的综合设计门类。视觉设计师需要配合互动设计师在技术不断完善的前提下,遵循网页界面的设计原则:简易性原则、一致性原则、布局的合理化原则等更艺术地将作品展现在用户面前。作为视觉设计师,我们承担的任务是确定受众,从用户的需求出发,在认知心理学的角度上了解用户的认知过程,探索如何更好地、更有效地向用户传递信息。 随着移动3G的发展,,不同尺寸的终端设备层出不穷。在网页界面的设计过程中,由于浏览器的不一致性,与印刷品相比,网页界面设计中视觉元素都会受到特定的限制。字体的大小、字距、行距都应该适应不同浏览器的尺寸而达到最好的效果;色彩的选用上,颜色对比需要拉大,这是因为网页的界面通过发光屏幕传达信息,在屏幕本身就比较亮的情况下,需要不影响用户的可读性;网页界面的布局方面,需要考虑到功能性因素如各页面的导航和按钮位置的一致性,能够满足网页界面之间的延续性和延伸性。 网页界面设计的视觉的表现形式大多与内容有关。网页界面之间的不同风格面貌表现在不同的视觉形式上。形式存在于一切事物中,视觉设计师可以师法自然,在自然的多样表现形式的发现与探究中,激发创作灵感;然后,按着美的形式法则,创造出具有一定形式美感的网页界面设计作品。美学流派对网页界面设计视觉形式也有很大的影响:当下,网页界面设计越来越倾向极简设计,冷静的版面给人整洁的视觉感受,这跟极简主义对其的影响是有联系的。当然,也不是所有的页面都适合极简风格。同时,对网页界面设计有大的影响的美学流派还有国际主义、包豪斯主义等,选用什么样的风格作为界面的形式,大多取决于具体的内容。 综合上述,本文旨在探究在满足用户需求的过程中,网页界面设计中信息怎样能够有效传达,达到更好地为用户服务的目的。
[Abstract]:The development of web interface design in China is still in the primary stage compared with the developed countries. However, with the development of the Internet in recent years, the visual aesthetic requirements of web interface design are becoming more and more high. More and more attention is paid to the perfect combination of art and technology of web interface, and the pursuit of personalized visual enjoyment. Web interface design is a comprehensive design category that combines art and technology. Visual designers need to cooperate with interactive designers to follow the design principles of web interface under the premise of continuous improvement of technology: simplicity principle, consistency principle, As a visual designer, our task is to determine the audience, to understand the cognitive process of the user from the perspective of cognitive psychology and from the needs of the user. Explore how to better and more effectively deliver information to users. With the development of mobile 3G, terminal devices of different sizes emerge in endlessly. In the design process of web interface, because of the inconsistency of browser, compared with printed material, Visual elements in web interface design are subject to specific restrictions. Font size, font spacing, line spacing should be adapted to the size of different browsers to achieve the best results; color selection, color contrast needs to be enlarged, This is because the interface of a web page conveys information through a luminous screen, which does not affect the readability of the user when the screen itself is brighter; the layout of the page interface, The functional factors such as the navigation of each page and the consistency of the button position should be taken into account to satisfy the continuity and extensibility of the web interface. The visual forms of web interface design are mostly related to the content. The different styles and features of the web interface are manifested in different visual forms. The form exists in all things, and the visual designer can learn from the nature. In the discovery and exploration of nature's diverse forms of expression, to inspire creative inspiration; then, according to the law of form of beauty, Create a certain form of aesthetic design works of web interface design. Aesthetic schools also have a great impact on the visual form of web interface design: at present, the design of web interface more and more tend to minimalist design. Calm layout gives people a clean visual feeling, which is related to the impact of minimalism on it. Of course, not all pages are suitable for minimalist style. At the same time, The aesthetic schools which have great influence on the design of web interface also include internationalism, Bauhausism and so on. What style is chosen as the form of interface, mostly depends on the concrete content. The purpose of this paper is to explore how the information in the web interface design can be communicated effectively in order to serve the users better in the process of meeting the needs of users.
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