本文选题:内容中心网络 切入点:转发策略 出处:《南京师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着流媒体等新业务的海量数据的高速增长,越来越多的网络应用和网络服务更关心内容本身,对内容所在的位置并不在意,这与当前IP网络基于主机到主机的通信模式产生了矛盾。以内容为中心的信息中心网络(ICN:Information Centric Network)体系结构应运而生,逐渐成为研究的热点,而内容中心网络(CCN:Content Centric Network)是ICN中最有代表性的网络架构。和传统的IP网络不同,CCN以内容为中心替代以主机为中心,为每个内容块提供唯一标识名,根据内容名进行缓存、请求、路由和转发,并对内容本身进行加密认证,提高了内容的安全性,很好地解决了P网络在数据传输方面的可扩展性、服务质量保证以及移动性、安全性等问题。CCN体系结构的重要特征之一是利用泛在透明的网络缓存提高内容获取的传输效率和网络资源利用率。CCN使用块级别的兴趣包来获取相应的内容块,因此如何合理的转发兴趣包,充分利用缓存资源获取数据包对CCN的性能有很大的影响。本文以CCN网络的转发机制为切入点,分别对CCN网络域内和域间转发模型与转发策略进行了研究。主要贡献有以下三点:第一,在对现有域内转发策略分类研究和比较的基础上,本文设计了基于缓存信息预查询的转发策略(PIS:Preliminary Inquiry Strategy)。在发出请求内容的第一块兴趣包的同时对周边节点发出预查询请求,以获取后续块的转发信息,从而充分利用了周边内容缓存,减少了后续兴趣包的转发开销,缩短了内容的获取时间。第二,当前CCN中转发策略的研究大多集中在单个自治域内。与域内转发不同,在多自治域网络下,转发策略的设计不仅要考虑网络的性能,还需要考虑域间的商业关系。本文设计了基于域间商业关系的转发引擎,使得兴趣包的转发和数据包的反馈都能够满足约定的商业关系。同时提出了适用于不同需求的请求成功率转发优先、减少花费转发优先以及低资源消耗转发的转发策略,以满足商业关系和用户需求。最后,本文对CCN网络仿真器CCNSim的转发引擎进行扩展改进,在此平台上实现了基于缓存信息预查询机制的域内转发策略和基于域间商业关系的转发策略,并且通过仿真实验验证了它们的正确性与性能。
[Abstract]:With the rapid growth of mass data of new services such as streaming media, more and more network applications and network services are more concerned about the content itself, and do not care about the location of the content. This conflicts with the current communication mode of host to host in IP network. The content-centered information center network (ICN: information Centric Network) has emerged as the times require, and has gradually become a hot research topic. The Content Centric Network is the most representative network architecture in ICN. Unlike the traditional IP network, it is content-centric instead of host-centric, providing a unique identifier for each content block, caching according to the content name, requesting, Routing and forwarding, and the content itself encryption authentication, improve the security of the content, a good solution to P network in data transmission scalability, quality of service assurance and mobility, One of the important characteristics of CCN architecture is to improve the transmission efficiency of content acquisition and the utilization of network resources by using ubiquitous transparent network cache. CCN uses block level interest packets to obtain the corresponding content blocks. Therefore, how to reasonably forward interest packets and make full use of cache resources to obtain packets has a great impact on the performance of CCN. This paper takes the forwarding mechanism of CCN network as the breakthrough point. The main contributions of this paper are as follows: first, on the basis of the classification and comparison of existing intra-domain forwarding strategies, we study the intra-domain and inter-domain forwarding models and forwarding strategies in CCN networks. In this paper, we design a forwarding strategy based on cache information pre-query (PIS-Precious Inquiry Strategy). When sending out the first interest packet of the requested content, we send out the pre-query request to the peripheral nodes to obtain the forwarding information of the subsequent blocks. Therefore, it makes full use of the peripheral content cache, reduces the forwarding cost of subsequent interest packets, and shortens the time of content acquisition. Secondly, most of the current researches on forwarding strategies in CCN focus on a single autonomous domain, which is different from intra-domain forwarding. In the multi-autonomous domain network, the forwarding strategy should consider not only the performance of the network, but also the business relationship between domains. In this paper, a forwarding engine based on inter-domain business relationship is designed. Both the forwarding of interest packets and the feedback of packets can satisfy the agreed business relationship. At the same time, a forwarding strategy is proposed, which is suitable for different requirements, such as successful forwarding priority, reducing cost priority and low resource consumption. In order to meet the business relationship and user needs. Finally, this paper extends and improves the forwarding engine of CCN network simulator CCNSim. On this platform, the intra-domain forwarding strategy based on cache information pre-query mechanism and the forwarding strategy based on inter-domain business relationship are implemented, and their correctness and performance are verified by simulation experiments.
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