本文选题:LDAP + RBAC ; 参考:《北京邮电大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:随着企业信息化建设的迅速发展,企业内部存在越来越多的应用系统,例如,财务支撑系统、信息发布系统、全面预算系统和办公自动化系统等。在管理大量应用中一个具有挑战性的问题是建立复杂繁琐的统一的用户信息和权限信息的管理。目前,基于角色的访问控制(RBAC),由于减少了复杂性和管理成本,已经成为高级访问控制的主要模式之一。 本文设计并实现了在轻量级目录访问协议(LDAP)环境下基于工作流和RBAC的统一用户管理平台。首先,分析了在LDAP环境下对RBAC建模的优势,使用RBAC作为用户访问控制权限的模型,采用多级LDAP目录的概念来管理用户数据。其次,实现了一个统一用户管理平台,包括主控制台、LDAP同步程序、流程组件和WebService服务接口四个部分。主控制台为系统管理员和用户提供了简单易用的操作界面,LDAP同步程序提供数据库与LDAP服务器之间的同步,流程组件添加为用户信息变更自动化的同时又能做到可管可控,Web Service服务接口为其它应用厂商提供用户数据接口。该统一用户管理平台改变了以往松散、孤立的管理方式,创建统一并可重用的用户管理体系,解决了用户管理软件重复开发的浪费。并且,工作流机制和审查机制的引入使得用户管理自动化的同时又能做到可管可控,提高了数据变更的实时性和系统管理员的工作效率,并极大的降低了系统管理员的工作量。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of enterprise information construction, there are more and more application systems in enterprises, such as financial support system, information publishing system, total budget system and office automation system. A challenging problem in the management of a large number of applications is to establish a complex and unified management of user information and authority information. At present, role-based access control (RBAC) has become one of the main modes of advanced access control because of reducing complexity and management cost. This paper designs and implements a unified user management platform based on workflow and RBAC under the environment of lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP). Firstly, the advantages of modeling RBAC in LDAP environment are analyzed. RBAC is used as the model of user access control rights, and the concept of multilevel LDAP directory is used to manage user data. Secondly, a unified user management platform is implemented, which includes four parts: main console LDAP synchronization program, process component and Web Service service interface. The main console provides an easy to use interface for system administrators and users to synchronize the database with the LDAP server. The process component is added to automate the change of user information, and at the same time, it can provide user data interface for other application manufacturers. The unified user management platform has changed the former loose and isolated management mode, created a unified and reusable user management system, and solved the waste of repeated development of user management software. Moreover, the introduction of workflow mechanism and review mechanism makes the user management automation and can be managed and controllable. It improves the real-time performance of data change and the efficiency of the system administrator, and greatly reduces the workload of the system administrator.
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