[Abstract]:Internet security performance can be optimized to ensure the information security of Internet users. It is necessary to set up a mathematical model to evaluate the performance of Internet security. However, when the current model is used for quantitative evaluation, the quantitative index of network security performance can not be obtained. There is the problem of large error in quantitative evaluation of safety performance. This paper presents a mathematical modeling method for optimizing and evaluating Internet security performance based on stochastic game. Firstly, the dynamic game process of network attack is divided into three stages: resistance, detection and tolerance by using the stochastic game theory. The network threat and user behavior characteristics are extracted, and a three-party game matrix based on stochastic game is established. According to the dynamic transformation state of the network, the three-way income is calculated, and the instantaneous behavior of each node in the network is modeled, the survival state transition process after the network fault is simulated, and the steady-state probability and the fault recovery probability of the current network are calculated. Using packet loss rate as the performance index to evaluate the network security performance, a quantitative evaluation model of Internet security performance is established. The simulation results show that the proposed model can evaluate the performance of Internet security in a more comprehensive way.
【作者单位】: 天津师范大学初等教育学院;
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