[Abstract]:Streaming video service for large-scale users has become one of the most important applications on mobile Internet. Mobile streaming media service accounts for a large part of mobile network traffic and is on the rise. The unstable connection and limited bandwidth of mobile environment lead to the problems of high delay, frequent buffering and low video quality. The dynamic adaptive streaming media technology (DASH) allows users to adjust the media quality of the request according to the device capability and the end-to-end bandwidth of the real-time network, and can adaptively select the appropriate bit rate for playing video. Suitable for providing smooth and stable video playback in mobile networks. Content-centric network (CCN) is a new network architecture, which is content-centric and does not need mapping between content and node location, so it has good support for mobile streaming media services. The existing DASH schemes can not adapt to the characteristics of mobile CCN networks. The deployment of DASH services in mobile CCN networks will bring some problems, such as low rate adaptive efficiency, network congestion, low cache utilization and so on. In view of the above problems, this paper proposes a series of DASH technology research schemes for mobile content center network. The specific research contents include: (1) A DASH solution for mobile content center network. Specifically including the self-learning rate selection strategy and interest packet flooding control mechanism to improve the quality of user experience of DASH services. (2) designed a hierarchical weight measurement method for CCN network packets. Considering the different layered encoding and decoding characteristics of scalable video coding (SVC) and the popularity of packet content, (3) A buffer management mechanism which can improve the user experience quality of mobile CCN network adaptive streaming media service is proposed to push different SVC layered packets to mobile nodes in broadcast range. The extensibility of SVC coding improves the efficiency of content distribution. In order to evaluate the performance of the scheme, a mobile simulation scene based on NdnSIM simulation platform is built and verified. Experiments show that the algorithm improves the user experience quality of mobile streaming media from many aspects.
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