[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the Internet, the scale of the network video users is expanding, and the traffic data in the Internet is expanding rapidly. Youku, as one of the most representative video websites in China, has more than 60 million users and more than 60 million active users every month. With such a huge user group, it will produce a huge amount of user log data. In the "data DT era", how to collect, store and analyze these massive data, and excavate the user's behavior patterns and personal preferences, and then design a targeted promotion scheme. For video sites and video users have a significant significance. Firstly, this paper summarizes the background and research status of video websites, and then introduces the analysis platform of network video services, which is composed of four functional modules. This paper mainly analyzes and studies the characteristics of network video service from three aspects. The first is to analyze the overall situation of mobile Internet video service, compare the differences of the domestic mainstream video websites, summarize the popular video websites in China, and make a detailed study on Youku station, and summarize the rules of user behavior. Secondly, based on the growth mode of video playback, the EPBP_ML model is proposed to predict the future video playback. Thirdly, based on the noisy data of SOL algorithm, a Sequential Apriori pattern mining algorithm is proposed to mine the mobile patterns of users visiting video websites. Based on the real Internet traffic data, this paper analyzes the value behind the network video data through data analysis and data mining, summarizes the behavior rules of users and the traffic characteristics of video websites, and predicts the amount of video playback. It is of great significance to excavate the mobile mode of users in the era of network data.
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