[Abstract]:With the huge demand of users, the Internet is changing from the host-driven point-to-point communication mode to the receptor-driven mode of content acquisition. In this mode, users want to obtain information more efficiently, regardless of which host terminal the information comes from. In the face of the change of communication mode, information center network is proposed. This new network architecture based on information has abandoned the form of network middleware, but at the level of network architecture. By means of content-based routing and network built-in cache technology, native support is provided for improving efficient content acquisition at the user level and resource utilization of the entire network. However, the information center network has the characteristics of fine-grained cache, transparency and ubiquity. Without the corresponding optimization techniques and methods, it has a relatively weak ability to deal with a large number of contents that need to be forwarded. And the content of the lack of balanced distribution and other issues. In order to solve the above problems, this paper studies the scheduling strategy of the built-in cache block in the information center network, and mainly optimizes the performance of the cache mechanism in the information center network based on the cache decision strategy and cache replacement algorithm. And make the content placement to achieve a more balanced distribution. In the aspect of the optimization design of cache decision policy, this paper firstly analyzes the problems caused by global cache, which is represented by default cache policy on-path caching in information center network. Then a cache policy based on the matching of content popularity and node centrality is proposed to solve the problem of a large number of invalid cache replacements and the imbalance of content placement. By evaluating the cache content and the cache nodes, the strategy can selectively cache the content, reduce the cache redundancy and improve the spatial efficiency of the content distribution nodes along the route. In the aspect of cache replacement algorithm, this paper firstly analyzes and studies the new features which are different from the traditional web/ streaming media cache system in the information center network. Then it analyzes the problems of cache pollution caused by LRU,FIFO and other single parameter cache replacement algorithms which are suitable for web/ streaming media cache system when they are transplanted to the information center network. An information center cache replacement algorithm based on lifetime and cache size is proposed. The algorithm combines the native support of data packets in the information center network and the size of the cache node space to establish the utility function and select the most suitable content items for the current node to cache replace. The more popular objects are closer to the user's network edge cache nodes and can be stored more persistently to improve the cache hit ratio of the whole cache system. Finally, an improved model based on the principle of exogenous request locality is used to improve the accuracy and authenticity of the algorithm strategy verification. Combined with the improved model, the cache decision strategy and the replacement algorithm are applied to the experimental bed of running CCNx protocol. Through the experimental analysis, it is found that the cache decision strategy and the cache replacement algorithm proposed in this paper achieve a more balanced placement of the content. It reduces the cache redundancy and improves the stability of the cache system.
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