[Abstract]:With the development of network and information technology, the wide spread and application of the Internet, the network is gradually changing the way of human life and work, especially cloud computing, Internet of things, intelligent city. Mobile Internet and Weibo and other new generation of applications and technologies are widely used in contemporary life, while promoting application innovation, will also bring serious information security risks. The continuous development of attack and defense, the constant evolution of security threats, the new applications and the extensive use of new technologies will also bring tremendous impact to the original concept and mode of safety and security. The original means of safety detection can not completely solve the security problems. In view of this situation, intrusion detection, as an active defense technology, detects the network, provides real-time monitoring of the internal attack, external attack and misoperation, and can do harm to the network system before the intrusion attack causes harm to the network system. The intrusion attack can be detected and alerted in time. When the intrusion attack occurs, the alarm and dynamic defense can be carried out by means of linkage with the firewall. After being attacked, the attack information can be provided in detail, which is convenient for forensic analysis. Thus greatly improves the network security, brings the overall defense to the network. In this paper, an effective detection algorithm for network intrusion events is proposed, and a prediction model is constructed for the attack behavior in the network to predict the possible attacks. (1) an intrusion detection method based on HCRF (Hidden Conditional Random Field) is proposed. In view of the high dimension of network intrusion data, the original data set is reduced manually, and then standardized processing is carried out to eliminate the influence of attribute measurement difference on the algorithm. Then, the feature vector sequence and the corresponding tag sequence are established for different kinds of original session records, and the HCRF model of intrusion events is constructed. Intrusion event detection and attack behavior classification based on HCRF model are realized. The experimental results show that the algorithm has its own advantages in dealing with finite and high-dimensional samples, that is, high accuracy, no need of complex training, small amount of calculation, and low detection rate and false alarm rate, while reducing the training and testing time. The validity and feasibility of dimensionality reduction of data features are proved. (2) an attack behavior prediction method based on HMM (Hidden Markov Model) is proposed. Usually a successful attack is not a simple one-step attack. The more dangerous an attack is, the more complex and diverse the attack steps are, and each stage triggers a different alarm message, as the system becomes more threatened. According to the alarm information, the observer establishes the HMM prediction model. The prediction model is divided into two layers: 1) the observation layer is composed of the alarm information risk value; 2) A hidden layer consisting of the degree of system threat caused by the attack. The algorithm realizes the threat level of the system at the next moment when the current state is known. The experimental results show that the prediction effect is better. Finally, the research content of this paper is summarized, and the future research direction is prospected.
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