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发布时间:2018-12-22 09:31
[Abstract]:The vast amount of valuable information stored in the computer network has been watched covetously by lawbreakers from all over the world, who have been working to develop hacking techniques or to acquire or destroy valuable resources. One of the commonly used Trojan horse technology, information theft network intrusion is taking place all the time. The current Trojan horse detection and killing technology has been in the passive defense phase, high false alarm rate, low kill rate, in the face of endless security incidents are often some unable to do. Behavior analysis technology by analyzing and summarizing Trojan horse behavior characteristics, using data mining artificial intelligence and other aspects of the latest achievements to detect Trojan horse, especially the unknown Trojan horse, and become a new star of Trojan detection technology. However, the current research on behavior analysis technology is still relatively primary, and the detection system based on this technology has a high false alarm phenomenon. Therefore, it is necessary to further study Trojan horse behavior, summarize its behavior characteristics, apply appropriate intelligent classification algorithm to improve Trojan horse detection rate and reduce false alarm rate. By summarizing the common behavior of Trojan horse and establishing the behavior feature library, this paper studies the improvement of naive Bayes classifier and the detection technology of Trojan horse based on behavior analysis. The main research contents are as follows: (1) summing up the common behavior characteristics of Trojan horse, establishing Trojan behavior feature library, extracting program behavior by using kernel hook technology, (2) improved naive Bayesian classifier to preprocess feature vectors in redundancy, association and weight, etc. The system risk level (VL), which is closely related to the classification probability, is introduced into the classifier, and the conceptual classification width 未, which is closely related to the classification degree, is introduced into the classifier. According to the results of classification evaluation, it is decided whether to use the feedback adaptive learning of classifier to adapt to the evolution of behavioral characteristics. (3) A Trojan horse detection model based on behavior analysis is proposed, and more Trojan horse assemblies are collected. A series of experiments have proved the feasibility and effectiveness of this model, and designed a comparison experiment with other detection techniques, which provides a valuable reference for the research of Trojan horse detection technology based on behavior analysis.


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