[Abstract]:The idea of separating data plane from control plane is proposed by (SDN), which solves the problems of high reliability, expansibility and flexibility that can not be solved by traditional network. At the same time, it brings new security challenges. The high coupling of service control and security control in SDN controller, the security control mechanism of controlling the whole network security through flow table still needs to be improved. And all the security control can only reach the data forwarding layer, and there is no direct interaction with the security devices or nodes, so the security control ability is limited. In order to optimize the security control capability of SDN network, this paper studies the traffic control and security control of decoupled SDN control layer, and the security control technology based on flow and node agent. The node security control architecture in SDN network is designed and implemented, and the existing partial security control mechanism and technology are improved to achieve the depth protection of node security in SDN network. The specific work of this paper is as follows: 1) A new SDN node security control architecture is proposed. The security part of the SDN controller is completely independent of the security controller. Responsible for all security-related issues in SDN networks. 2) propose a sFlow stream acquisition, The extended flow detection of sFlow-RT and the northward interface of SDN controller call the flow control technology based on flow control. 3) A security agent is proposed in the SDN network node to monitor the security device and the local state of the node. The security services in the security controller deploy the security protection and security control through the security agent. 4) the experimental verification network is deployed to verify the functions of each module of the system. The DOS/DDoS flooding attack is simulated to verify the rationality and reliability of the SDN node security control architecture.
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