[Abstract]:With the development of information age, location-based service has become the research goal of many industries, and social network has become the platform of sharing and communication widely. The combination of location-based services and social networks provides an important data source for user behavior analysis and helps to improve the personalized service quality of users. It is of great significance to study the similarity among users to analyze the historical behavior of individual users and to predict their future behavior. However, due to the diversity of data, user similarity analysis and behavior prediction have become hot and difficult in the industry. Considering the diversity of user data, this paper takes Foursquare data as the research object, and analyzes and studies the user behavior of social network based on location. First of all, this paper proposes an algorithm based on matrix decomposition for mining the potential features of users for structured data. For unstructured data, a thematic model-based analysis method is used to fuse these two kinds of information. Then, this paper analyzes the common characteristics between language model and location-based social network, and proposes a behavior prediction algorithm based on language model, which combines the similarity between users and other characteristics. The decision tree is used to predict the next access location of the user. Finally, this paper has carried on the experiment analysis and the verification, the experiment has proved that the similarity analysis based on the two kinds of information fusion has the good effect, and has the certain promotion function to the behavior prediction based on the language model.
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