[Abstract]:With the development of information technology, various forms of malicious code are increasing, and now it has penetrated into every aspect of our life. Most of the existing security software relies on the support of servers to update the virus library, and these security software has always been concerned about stealing users' privacy data. In order to solve these problems, this paper combines P2P technology with malicious code detection and defense technology, and establishes a new mechanism to combat malicious code. The research includes three parts: detection, defense and response, in which the detection technology is like a spear, the defense technology is like a shield, and the response network is a warrior who uses a spear and shield to fight. These three parts complement each other and are indispensable to each other. The key technology of detection includes two points. The first point is distributed code behavior monitoring, which distributes the code monitoring to one node in P2P network, and each node cooperates with each other to "fight". The second point is the challenge test for malicious code. In order to detect the malicious code in latent period, the challenge test is used to expose the true face of malicious code as soon as possible. The key technology of defense consists of three parts. The first part is static data scanning. Compared with general scanning, the scanning based on data difference is more efficient and avoids a lot of repeated and useless scans. The second part is dynamic data protection. According to the result of response network analysis of malicious code, we can decide where to protect, and then take important index to protect it at different levels. The third part is automatic repair, on the one hand, the version is traced back by recording the modified differential data such as files, on the other hand, it is repaired by using the distributed data in P2P network. An automatic fix can be performed by creating a PDP-outer, that does not depend on the operating system to run, even if the operating system crashes. The key technologies of response include the construction of P2P-based basic network and the identification and processing of malicious code. Response network is composed of P2P network which contains many nodes. It can guarantee the security of basic network through node authentication protocol, data transmission protocol, credibility and other security mechanisms. It is the premise of malicious code to identify and process data by synchronizing distributed data on each node to ensure the consistency of data such as black list and white list. The nodes in the behavior monitoring response network can generate the behavior log and so on. In this paper, several methods including neural network are discussed to process these data, and then the autonomous learning and decision-making are carried out. After more than a year of research and experiments, many research results have been achieved in this subject, including the following three aspects: 1. In this paper, a new malicious code detection and defense method is proposed, which solves the problem of relying on the update of server. Because it is central and open source, it solves the problem that privacy data can be stolen; 2. In order to compare the detection and defense methods proposed in this paper with the general methods, a simulation verification program is developed, which can simulate the process of antagonism between security software and malicious code. In this paper, we apply for an invention patent based on the detection and defense method proposed in this paper, a malicious code detection and defense method, which is in the state of acceptance at present.
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