发布时间:2017-12-28 12:03
本文关键词:毛公标兴分类普查与取义特征 出处:《文学遗产》2017年05期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:"Book of Songs" is inspired to take justice or not, so far that differences. On the basis of Mao Gongbiao Xing 116, the removal of which is difficult to identify or wrongly, classification, can be divided into touch kiheung, cable material kiheung and anti Xing, thinking kiheung class four, another formula kiheung, and cable or inspired thinking inspired by. According to this, we can see that all the standards are all righteous. From our out five rules kiheung, can have a better understanding on the rise.
【作者单位】: 西安培华学院人文学院;
【正文快照】: 《诗经》之起兴,影响至为深远,然对兴之取义与否,目前仍有分歧。自南宋郑樵、朱熹谓兴只在声而不取义说,对汉唐《毛传》《郑笺》《孔疏》的兴之取义提出反拨,呼应无多。然至清康熙中期姚际恒重张郑、朱旧帜,得到顾颉刚以及钱锺书两先生的重申,兴仅趁韵,别无取义。由于两先生影
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