发布时间:2017-12-31 20:24
本文关键词:花朵里流淌出来的财富 出处:《蜜蜂杂志》2017年03期 论文类型:期刊论文
更多相关文章: 住宅房 采花 张可 蜜脾 定地饲养 益母草花 巢门口 蜜酒 那布 花丛中
[Abstract]:The nest of the bird is the nest of the bird, and the nest of the bee is the spleen of the nest. One by one, movable nests and spleens are placed in hives made of superior fir. The hive is made up of several ten or even hundreds of hives. The life of bees is to gather flowers and make honey, and wherever there are flowers, bees will ship them. Beekeepers also follow. What is a beekeeper's home with a box of bees all day long? Beekeepers' homes, with no tiles on top and no bricks below, are small cloth houses that can be moved back and forth. The "cloth" of this small cloth house is built of canvas that can shade the sun from the rain. Modern people buy houses in the residential area once and for all. Position
【正文快照】: 小鸟的家是鸟巢,那蜜蜂的安乐窝就是巢脾,一张张可活动的巢脾又安放在用上等的杉木打制的蜂箱里。 蜂场是由几十甚至上百个蜂箱组成的。 蜜蜂的生活就是采花酿蜜,哪里有花,蜜蜂就运到哪,养蜂人也跟随到哪。 居者有其屋,整日和一箱箱蜜蜂朝夕相处的养蜂人“家”是个什么样?
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1 王中朋;王宏权;;如何选择好的住宅房型[A];土木建筑学术文库(第7卷)[C];2007年
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7 通讯员 陈功;警惕!黑房千万买不得[N];海峡时报;2000年
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