本文关键词:1920年代国语文学史的发生与退场 出处:《武汉大学学报(人文科学版)》2017年03期 论文类型:期刊论文
更多相关文章: 胡适 凌独见 《国语文学史》 《新著国语文学史》 《白话文学史》
[Abstract]:Hu Shi's History of Mandarin Literature in the 1920s and the History of New Mandarin Literature seen by Ling Du both regard Mandarin as the standard of describing history. And try to solve the dual problems of popularization of national language and construction of new literature from the perspective of literary history writing and national education, compared with Hu Shi's History of Mandarin Literature. Although Ling Du-see 's "History of New Mandarin Literature" was rated as "bad" by people of the time, it not only made up for the regret of Hu Shi's literary history books in terms of the starting point of narration and the issue of staging. And how to take into account the national language standards and literary aesthetic aspects of their own unique views, contrasting Hu Shi's literary history of the intention of the first writing shortcomings. Of course. Hu Shi's History of Mandarin Literature, as the first literary history book compiled from the angle of national language, incorporated the concept of nation into the construction of literary history and the creation of literary criticism for the first time. In 1928, the emergence of Hu Shi's the History of vernacular Literature declared the departure of the history of Mandarin literature, and reflected Hu Shi's rethinking of the development of new literature and the writing of literary history. It also shows the historical background of the change of literary thoughts in early 20th century, but the history of Mandarin literature has not completely disappeared after leaving the scene, and still affects the construction of new literature and the writing of literary history in a dominant and implicit way. It also provides the possibility of studying the writing of literary history from the perspective of language.
【作者单位】: 武汉大学文学院;
【正文快照】: 1921年,胡适编著出《国语文学史》讲义,“国语”作为关键词进入文学史叙述,新的述史观念、模式成为中国文学转型的重要体现。而仅仅过了六年,1928年,新月书店出版了胡适的《白话文学史》,宣告了国语文学史的退场。在此期间,除了胡适的《国语文学史》,以“国语”冠名的文学史著
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