本文关键词:论明孝陵记忆场中的朱元璋形象建构 出处:《福建师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2017年03期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:After Zhu Yuanzhang's soul returned to the Tomb of filial piety, its mausoleum gradually evolved into a political stage. As a public space, it was used by various political groups, groups or individuals, as a symbol of collective memory and as a political symbol. Ming Ming Mausoleum always contains important political implication in the historical memory in the extraordinary period. The Manchu Qing group in the Central Plains is locked in the Ming Dynasty Mausoleum, which is the legitimate resource for coveting the new order. In the late Ming Dynasty, the Ming Tomb was regarded as an indispensable spiritual temple for the value of life. However, with the rise of bourgeois revolutionary forces in the late Qing Dynasty, Ming Xiaoling was once again faced with the transformation of identity, that is, the image of Zhu Yuanzhang, as the patriarch of the Han authorities, was shaped and remembered by the times.
【正文快照】: 2017 年第 3 期 福建师范大学学报 ( 哲学社会科学版) No. 3 , 2017 ( 总第 204 期) Journal of Fujian Normal University ( Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition ) General , No. 204 DOI : 10. 12046 / j. issn. 1000-5285. 2017. 03.
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