发布时间:2018-01-18 08:14
本文关键词:一次洗涤灵魂之旅 出处:《传媒》2017年14期 论文类型:期刊论文
更多相关文章: 瑞金市 黄沙村 战死沙场 七堡 长征路上 叶坪 英勇献身 风景名胜 革华 历史博物馆
[Abstract]:Is the washing of soul. It stands the Soviet people made huge sacrifices of towering monument. Tsubosato sand leaves the village of Ruijin City, only 43 households in the Chinese house, every family there are people who participated in the revolution, in which 17 people died heroically in the long march on the road, leaving a touching story of Chinese house 17 pine trees "; farmer Yang Rongxian seven Bao Xiang Xiao Ruijin Shazhouba 8 sons joined the Red Army, all killed in battle. It is understood that there were only about 200000 people in Ruijin, there are hundreds of thousands of people to participate in the Red Army, the number of a few sacrifices
【作者单位】: 河北日报社;
【正文快照】: 一次洗涤灵魂之旅。这里矗立着万人。青松无语,却见证着老区人民这是瞿秋白赴死前的照片。究竟是什苏区人民做出巨大牺牲的巍巍丰碑。为革命做出巨大牺牲;数字无言,却么能让一个人置生死于度外呢?答案瑞金市叶坪乡黄沙村仅有43户人家的见证着用鲜血凝成的永恒丰碑。是两个字:
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1 张玉妹,彭道宾;走进赣南·首篇 不虚此行[J];中国统计;2002年07期