本文选题:杜甫 切入点:杜诗 出处:《西南大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:During the six dynasties, the poem of singing and harmony developed rapidly, and gradually became an important form of poetry and literature in the Sui and Tang dynasties.This paper probes into the position and function of du Fu, the poet of Tang Dynasty, in the historical evolution of the important poetry category of Tang Dynasty.The thesis is divided into three parts: introduction, main body five chapters and conclusion.Introduction, the first collection of integration and analysis of the Tang Dynasty and before the Tang Dynasty singing poetry related works and papers.On the basis of existing research, this paper summarizes the necessity of du Fu's research on singing and poetry, and puts forward the following research ideas and directions.In the second chapter, the author generalizes the definition of singing poems which can be given by the existing literature, and explains the basic features of singing poems in the existing literature.At the same time, some questions about the standard of singing and poetry are put forward.The third chapter, according to the definition of singing poetry, expounds the evolution process and the main characteristics of each stage of the poem in the early, prosperous and late Tang Dynasty.As a background study of du Fu's singing poems.In the fourth chapter, we sort out all du Fu's singing poems according to the definition.Arrange and illustrate all definite and possible items of choir and poetry.Chapter five, on the basis of the above, analyzes the writing art and main features of du Fu's poems according to the contents and contents of his poems.The sixth chapter analyzes du Fu's contribution in the evolution process of Tang Dynasty.Conclusion: through the qualitative analysis of more than 1400 du poems, this paper determines the quantity and specific contents of the harmony poems in du's poems.Finally came to two points of view: first, du Fu played a very important role in the historical evolution of Tang Dynasty poetry; second,Some of du Fu's works have a profound historical influence on the birth and development of several important forms of singing and poetry.
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