本文选题:宋人语境 + 话本 ; 参考:《中州学刊》2017年06期
[Abstract]:What is the relationship between the original and the book in the Chinese Song Dynasty's Tanci-speaking and singing art, which has always been the focus of debate in the academic circles. In fact, there is an essential difference between the context of Song Dynasty and that of modern people. To understand the vocabulary of Song Dynasty with people's strong sense of stylistic style is the root of the long debate. In the context of the Song Dynasty, the generalization of the word "Tu Ben" and the existence of the original have further aggravated the confusion of the later generations. Only by going back to the Song Dynasty to clarify the original meaning of "discourse book" in the context of the Song Dynasty, and distinguishing it from the concept of "novel of the novel" in the context of modern people, can the relationship between the original text and the novel be truly clarified. In order to avoid the law of today and ancient mistakes.
【作者单位】: 陕西师范大学文学院;中国矿业大学银川学院中文系;
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