[Abstract]:A remarkable feature of late Qing poetry is that many foreign "new" words have been widely introduced into writing practice. However, the modernity of late Qing poetry does not lie in whether the new ideas brought about by its new language system are consistent with western justice or not. We must face up to the "travel" characteristics of language and the imaginative features of poetry itself in the collision of culture. The modernity of poetry in the late Qing Dynasty lies in the conflict between the new words and western meanings, in the conflict between the image system and the poetic realm composed of the new language, between the individual experience demand of carrying modernity and the aesthetics of classical poetry. The richness and contradiction it presents for us. Chinese poetry also causes problems from the new language system and promotes the historic change. The occurrence of new poetry should be traced back to this.
【作者单位】: 武汉大学文学院;
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