[Abstract]:The meaning of artisans' Spirit is to be meticulous, meticulous and refined. This is the spirit of the times, to remove impetuous, pure utilitarian psychology, work things as spiritual life ontology, rather than a simple object of value. This spirit is the fundamental guarantee of the quality of literary and artistic works in production and creation today. Amid the current tumult of cultural consumerism, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the National Symposium on Literary and artistic work that there are many problems in literary creation. It is necessary to carry forward the "craftsman spirit" and cultivate the contemporary "craftsman spirit" for literary and artistic creation, which is the cornerstone and guarantee for our writers and artists to create more and better works worthy of the fine works of literature and art of the times.
【作者单位】: 四川电影电视学院文化产业与公共管理系;
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