[Abstract]:Qian Liqun, born in 1939, professor of Chinese language at Peking University, mainly engaged in the study of modern Chinese literature, the spiritual history of modern Chinese intellectuals and folk thought. He wrote "exploring the mind", "Zhou Zuoren's Theory", "abundant suffering." "1988: heaven and earth Xuanhuang" and "my spiritual autobiography" and so on dozens of works; Wen Rumin, born in 1946, professor of Chinese language at Peking University, first-level professor of special liberal arts at Shandong University, chief editor-in-chief of Chinese textbooks for primary and secondary schools appointed by the Ministry of Education, author of "the Evolution of New Literary realism." More than ten kinds of works, such as History of Chinese Modern Literary criticism and Wen Rumin's Theory of Chinese Education; Wu Fuhui, born in 1939, is a researcher at the Museum of Modern Chinese Literature. He is mainly engaged in novels of the 1930s, Shanghai-style literature, and popular literature of citizens. He wrote the novels of the Shanghai School in the Urban Whirlpool. Sha Ting Biography and Illustrated History of Modern Chinese Literature, more than ten kinds of works. In addition to engaging in research, the three have long held leadership positions in the editorial department of the Chinese Modern Literature Research Association and the Chinese Modern Literature Research Series. In 1987, the book "Thirty years of Modern Chinese Literature", which was published by the three men, was published. It is the most influential works in the history of modern Chinese literature since the new era, and has issued more than 1.3 million copies so far. On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of this book, Li Biyang, a PhD graduate student in the Department of Chinese at Peking University, was specially commissioned to interview three gentlemen, and this interview is compiled for readers.
【作者单位】: 北京大学中文系;
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