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发布时间:2016-08-14 07:05




月在我国古代文学作品中占有非常重要的地位。台湾学者杜而未曾把我国古代文化描述为月神文化。月与文学作品中其它物象的不同在于,它不仅仅是作为一个自然物象被文人频繁引用并触动了人们某种共同心理情境,更重要的是月作为一种秩序的代表影响着人们对人生、宇宙的看法。正是基于此,诸多学者对月进行了研究,且多集中于两方面:一是对月神话的研究;二是对我国古代诗、词、小说等作品中月的研究。它们大多以原型理论为依据,探讨月所蕴含的意 义。这些研究的共同点是:都注重原型的初始性、共同性特点而致力于寻找共同。本文则通过对原型观的梳理,侧重于原型的置换变形。笔者认为:文学原型是在历史演变和文学发展的过程中逐渐形成的。文学原型在这个过程中不断地进行着形式和意 义方面的突破,不断地丰富着自己。从这个角度来说,原型不断丰富的过程也就是它置换变形的过程,也就是原型的存在。我们根据月原型在不同阶段的不同特点可以把我国古代文学作品中的月原型分为三个阶段。它们分别是月原型的自然形态期、月原型的审美形态期、月原型的叙事形态期。前两个阶段和后一个阶段可以宋为界。宋之前,诗是我国古代文学作品的主要表现形式,月在诗中出现的频率也极高,因此,此时期主要以诗中月原型的探讨为主。我国古人天人合一的哲学观念和观物取象的思维方式影响着我国原型的呈现方式。赋、比、兴表现手法及意象、意境理论范畴都是这种思想和思维在不同阶段的呈现。我们将它们与原型联系起来来探讨宋之前诗中的月原型。月原型的自然形态期主要指先秦、两汉时期。赋、比、兴的表现手法在某种程度上规定了月在诗中的位置,也使我们可以通过这种手法窥探远古先民对月的认知和建构。月原型的审美形态期主要指汉以后宋之前的这段时期。我们具体分为魏晋南北朝和唐这两个小阶段。在此时期,古人的诗美追求是意象和意境,它们使月原型通过不同的渠道触动人们的心灵。月原型的叙事形态期指宋以后。此时期叙事类文体兴起,此类文体可以虚构的特性使得月在此时期成为人们世俗愿望的直接实现处。月的世俗性更为浓厚。人们对月原型的认知和构建出现了极大的变化。月已成为文人的一种心理模式,影响着他们对文本的构建。此时期,对月原型运用最为完美的是《红楼梦》。在这里,月是美丽的,也是富有哲理的。

【Abstract】 The moon occupies a very important place in the ancient Chinese literature works. The scholastic Du Erwei of Taiwan has described Chinese ancient culture as moon culture. The different between moon and other things in the literature is that not only it is frequently used by the literators as natural things to touch some common psychology state of people, but also the moon stands for some order which affects people’s ideas about life and the world. Just so, a lot of scholastics have studied the moon for a long time. The study fastens on two main facets:one is the mythic about the moon, the other is the moon in the poem, the fiction and so on. Most of the studies of moon in the ancient works research for the meaning of moon according to the Archetypes. The same point of these studies is that they all attach great importance to the originality and communality and find them out. This thesis tries to find out the displacement and transformation by sorting out the archetype of moon. According to the writer, the literary archetype is formed gradually with the development of literature. In this course, the literary archetype enriches itself by the breakthrough of form and meaning. From this angle, the course of the archetype enriching itself can also be seem as the course of the displacement and transformation of archetype, which is the existence of archetype.According to the differences at every stage of it, the archetype of moon of Chinese ancient literature is divided into three stages. It includes the natural state of the archetype of moon, the aesthetic state of the archetype of moon, the narration state of the archetype of moon.The boundary between the first two states and the last state is the Song Dynasty. Before the Song Dynasty, poem is the main style of Chinese ancient literature, the frequency of the imagery of moon appeared in the poem is very high. Therefore, the research mainly fastens on the archetype of moon in the poem in this period. The present of Chinese archetype is affected by our philosophical idea of the unify of human and nature, and our way of thinking. The manifestation way of metrics, metaphor, xing, and the theory and category of imagery, artistic conception, are both the presence of such an unique philosophical idea and way of thinking evolving in different period. This thesis tries to research the archetype of moon before the Song Dynasty by connecting above mentioned with archetype. The natural state of the archetype of moon is mainly the Pre-Qin and the Han Dynasty. The manifestation way of metrics, metaphor, xing prescribe the position of the archetype of moon, and also by this way, we can pry into the cognition and foundation of the ancients about the archetype of moon. The aesthetic state of the archetype of moon is mainly the Wei Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty, Nan Bei Dynasty, and Tang Dynasty. In this phase, the ancients seek for the poetic of imagery and artistic conception. They lead the archetype of moon touch people’s string by various ways. The narration state of the archetype of moon is mainly the period after the Song Dynasty. In this phase, the style of Narration has risen. The characteristic of fictitious of such a style, lead the archetype of moon became the thing where people can make their profane dreams into reality, and which deeper the characteristic of profane of the archetype of moon. People’s cognition and foundation about the archetype of moon has changed greatly. The archetype of moon has become a psychology pattern to the literators, and affects the establishment of their texts. is a perfect example of the use of the archetype of moon in that phase, where, the moon is beauteous beautiful, fully philosophical.

【关键词】 月原型; 兴; 意象; 意境;
【Key words】 archetype of moon; xing; imagery; artistic conception;

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  •   本文关键词:月原型的存在与衍变,,由笔耕文化传播整理发布。




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