[Abstract]:Central arterial pressure plays a more direct role in predicting the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease than peripheral blood pressure. Clinically, the "gold standard" for obtaining central arterial pressure is to penetrate the special hollow needle through the subcutaneous femoral artery and to measure the blood pressure microprobe directly through the aortic root through the catheter. However, the method has some traumatic and clinical risks, and its operation is complicated and costly, so its clinical application is limited. Since peripheral blood pressure has a direct hemodynamic relationship with central arterial pressure, reconstructing central arterial pressure with peripheral blood pressure has become the main research method. The main problems of the existing methods in the reconstruction of central arterial pressure are as follows: the general transfer function method can not meet the needs of individualization and adaptive change; In fact, it is impossible to obtain multiple continuous blood pressure signals simultaneously in different locations of arteries, and it is difficult to obtain the peripheral blood flow data needed for accurate reconstruction of central arterial pressure by using blood pressure flow. The accuracy of the reconstruction method which relies solely on peripheral blood pressure data is limited due to the lack of information. In this paper, a two-stage arterial hemodynamic model is established through research and exploration. On the basis of this model, a new principle and calculation method of adaptive reconstruction of central arterial pressure using continuous peripheral blood pressure signals are proposed. Make up for the lack of blood flow information, the real realization of individual, adaptive change of the demand. The feasibility of the principle is verified by comparing the data simulation results with the existing methods. The human body test was carried out jointly with the second affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, and the feasibility of the new method was further optimized and improved. Based on the mature single point noninvasive continuous blood pressure measurement method, a double peripheral noninvasive continuous blood pressure measurement platform was developed, and the synchronous collection of double peripheral continuous blood pressure was completed.
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