[Abstract]:Objective to analyze the influencing factors of internal control IC (internal control IC) in COBAS s201 nucleic acid screening system, and to evaluate the stability of the system by using the Ct value of IC. Methods the IC results of 131 batches of nucleic acid from January to October 2015 were randomly selected and divided into three groups according to different instruments (AGB instrument), reagent lot number (batch number 1, lot number 2 and batch number 3) and specimen type (MPC-HIV-1 OgHIV-2 NC and blood donor specimen), respectively. The difference of Ct value of IC between and within groups was analyzed. Results the 95% reference range of Ct mean in our laboratory was 35.18-37.3495% confidence interval was [36.21 / 36.30] there were significant differences between the IC results of AHB instrument and three reagent batches (P0.05), in which the IC value of A instrument was lower than that of B instrument (P0.05), and the IC of batch number 2IC was lower than that of batch number 2IC. Ct mean value was lower than batch number 1 and batch number 3 (P0.05), IC results of different reagent batches were significantly higher than those of different instruments (P 0.05), in addition, there were significant differences in IC of 5 different types of specimens (P0.05). The IC value of NC group was higher than that of MPC group and HIV-2 group (P0.05). There was no significant difference between HIV-2 group and HIV-2 group (P0.05). There was no significant difference in IC value between NC group and specimen group (P0.05). Conclusion different batch numbers and instruments can lead to the difference of IC values. It is an effective method to ensure the accuracy and stability of nucleic acid detection results by confirming the performance of reagents and maintaining and calibrating the instrument regularly before the use of reagents. Monitoring IC changes can be used as an evaluation index of laboratory internal quality control.
【作者单位】: 东莞市中心血站;
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