[Abstract]:Objective to translate and revise the Japanese version of the pressure sore healing state evaluation and classification scale to form the Chinese version pressure sore healing state evaluation and classification scale, and to test its reliability and validity when used in Chinese pressure sore patients. Methods on the basis of Brislin's translation model, the Japanese version of pressure sore healing status evaluation and classification scale were translated, translated and cross-cultural adjusted strictly according to the translation procedure after obtaining the authorizations of the author. To form the Chinese version of pressure ulcer healing state evaluation and classification scale. Then the convenience sampling method was used to select the patients with pressure sore and collect the basic information and photo of the patients. Finally, five evaluators were asked to use the translated Chinese version of the pressure sore healing status evaluation and classification scale to evaluate the image of the pressure sore, and to retest the reliability, internal consistency reliability, and assess the reliability of the score results. Preliminary evaluation of content validity and structural validity. Results the content validity analysis showed that the content validity index of the Chinese version of pressure sore healing status evaluation and classification scale was 0.93. The correlation coefficient (except depth) between each item and total score was 0.46 ~ 0.80, the difference was statistically significant (P0.01). Two common factors were extracted by exploratory factor analysis, the cumulative variance contribution rate was 64.53, and there was a strong factor load on the corresponding items. The Cronbach's 伪 coefficient and split-half reliability coefficient of the scale were 0. 82 and 0. 76 respectively. The reliability (ICC) of each item was 0. 79 / 0. 99, and the ICC of retest reliability was 0. 90. The Cronbach's 伪 coefficient of each item after deletion was 0.70 卤0.79. Conclusion the Chinese version of the scale has good reliability and validity and can be used in the quantitative evaluation of the healing process of Chinese pressure sore patients.
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