[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the effect of early urethral entrapment on postoperative urination in patients with gastric cancer. Methods between January 2014 and August 2014, 132 patients with gastric cancer treated in the first Hospital of Bethune of Jilin University after radical gastrectomy were randomly divided into experimental group and control group. The experimental group was randomly divided into two groups: immediately after operation and 6 hours after operation. The patients who met the inclusion criteria were randomly divided into experimental group A (immediately after operation), experimental group B (6 hours after operation) and control group. The sex and age of the patients were compared. Clinical stage of gastric cancer, degree of mental stress, postoperative fluid intake, first time of urination after extubation, condition of urination and symptoms of abdomen, urine flow rate, comfortable degree after urination and positive rate of urine culture after extubation. Results there were no significant differences in sex, age, clinical stage of gastric cancer, degree of mental stress and postoperative fluid intake by t test and X 2 test (P0.05). The time from extubation to first urination, the first time of urination after extubation, the symptom of first voiding abdomen, the result of urine culture, the experimental group A and the control group and the experimental group B and the control group were tested by non-parametric test. There was significant difference between the two groups (P0.05), but there was no significant difference between Group A and Group B (P0.05). The first time of urination and the integral of urinary flow rate were compared after extubation. By non-parametric test, experimental group A and experimental group B were significantly better than control group (P0.05), and group A was significantly better than group B (P0.05). Conclusion early entrapment of urinary catheter after operation of gastric cancer can significantly shorten the time from extubation to first urination, improve the first urination and abdominal symptoms after extubation, and reduce the positive rate of urine culture. The earlier the catheter is clipped, the better the rate of urine flow and the first continuous urination after extubation of gastric cancer.
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