[Abstract]:Objective: sputum aspiration is a common clinical procedure, because of its blind complications. Recently, a visualized sputum suction instrument was developed by our team members. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility and safety of visualized sputum aspiration in patients with mechanical ventilation and to explore its clinical value. Methods: from February to June 2014, 20 patients who were treated with mechanical ventilation in (RICU), Department of Respiratory Internal Medicine, first affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, were randomly divided into visual sputum aspiration group (Visual Suction,). VS) and (Closed Suction, CS) in closed suction group. The visualized sputum suction instrument (Visual Sputum Suction System, VSSS) consists of a micro fiber (Outer Diameter, OD= 0.813mm inserted into a two-chamber sputum suction tube. The changes of HR,MAP and Sp02 during sputum aspiration, the incidence of adverse events and the degree of mucosal injury under fiber-optic vision were evaluated. Results: there was no significant change in cardiopulmonary parameters before and after closed sputum aspiration (P0. 14, P0. 33, P0. 08. Respectively), visual sputum suction instrument had an effect on SpO2,HR and MAP (P < 0. 01, P0. 04, P0. 01, respectively),). However, most of them recovered to baseline level at 3 min (P0. 13, Pu 0. 55, Pi 0. 78, respectively), and 5 min after sputum aspiration), and the Sp02 value was higher than that of the traditional closed sucking method (P0. 01). Compared with the traditional CS method, VS can reduce the number of sputum aspiration per day (P0.01). Under real-time guidance, VS can reduce airway mucosal injury and bleeding caused by sputum aspiration. Conclusion: visual sputum aspiration test is feasible for patients with mechanical ventilation. Under the guidance of real-time images, VSSS has the advantages of high efficiency and less mucosal damage, which is expected to provide a new platform for clinical sputum aspiration.
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