发布时间:2019-05-20 05:13
【摘要】:目的:探讨核酸检测技术在基层血站血液筛查中的应用及存在的问题。方法:对2016年3月—2017年3月本血站采用ELISA进行检测后,对检测结果为阴性的无偿献血血液标本进行HIV、HBV、HCV核酸检测,分析检测结果,以了解核酸的检出率和阳性标本的感染性。结果:对21 214例血液标本进行筛查,HBV-DNA阳性标本的共有70例,阴性标本共有21 144例,阳性率为0.329%,本次血液标本中未发现HCV-RNA、HIV-RNA。结论:核酸检测技术应用于基层血站的血液筛查,能够有效提高对血液传播性疾病的筛查水平,配合相关血清学检测,可显著提高临床用血的安全性。
[Abstract]:Objective: to explore the application and existing problems of nucleic acid detection technology in blood screening of grass-roots blood stations. Methods: after ELISA was used in this blood station from March 2016 to March 2017, HIV,HBV,HCV nucleic acid was detected in unpaid blood samples with negative results, and the results were analyzed. In order to understand the detection rate of nucleic acid and the infection of positive specimens. Results: 21 214 blood samples were screened. There were 70 HBV-DNA positive specimens and 21 144 negative samples, the positive rate was 0.329%. No HCV-RNA,HIV-RNA. was found in this blood sample. Conclusion: the application of nucleic acid detection technology in blood screening in grass-roots blood stations can effectively improve the screening level of blood-borne diseases, and can significantly improve the safety of clinical blood use combined with related serological tests.
【作者单位】: 福建省莆田市中心血站;
[Abstract]:Objective: to explore the application and existing problems of nucleic acid detection technology in blood screening of grass-roots blood stations. Methods: after ELISA was used in this blood station from March 2016 to March 2017, HIV,HBV,HCV nucleic acid was detected in unpaid blood samples with negative results, and the results were analyzed. In order to understand the detection rate of nucleic acid and the infection of positive specimens. Results: 21 214 blood samples were screened. There were 70 HBV-DNA positive specimens and 21 144 negative samples, the positive rate was 0.329%. No HCV-RNA,HIV-RNA. was found in this blood sample. Conclusion: the application of nucleic acid detection technology in blood screening in grass-roots blood stations can effectively improve the screening level of blood-borne diseases, and can significantly improve the safety of clinical blood use combined with related serological tests.
【作者单位】: 福建省莆田市中心血站;
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