[Abstract]:Objective] to understand the development trend and research hotspots of clinical nursing at home and abroad, and to provide guidance for clinical nursing practice and research. [methods] the clinical nursing literature except psychological nursing and traditional Chinese medicine nursing collected in Wanfang database and pubMed database from 2007 to 2015 were searched and analyzed by bibliometric analysis, such as literature volume, literature periodicals, literature high frequency subject word clustering and keyword co-occurrence. [results] A total of 10374 articles of clinical nursing (excluding psychological nursing) were searched in pubMed database, and the accumulation of literature increased. The distribution of periodicals published in clinical nursing literature was basically consistent with Bradford's law description. From 2007 to 2009, the main research contents of clinical nursing abroad were as follows: (1) the study of midwifery method and the role of midwives in natural delivery; (2) the study of emergency nursing methods; (3) the study of dementia nursing; (4) the study of bandage in trauma injury nursing; (5) the study of quality of life in tumor nursing. From 2010 to 2012, the main research contents of clinical nursing abroad were as follows: (1) the relationship between obstetrical nurses and patients; (2) the study of medical group of patients in nursing care of apoplexy patients; (3) the study of tumor nursing methods; (4) the nursing study of trauma injury in urinary incontinence nursing; (5) the study on the quality of life of dementia nursing caregivers. From 2013 to 2015, the main research contents of clinical nursing abroad are: (1) the study of skin nursing and bandage in trauma injury nursing; (2) the study of evidence-based nursing in AIDS nursing; (3) the study of obstetrical nurse-patient relationship; (4) the study of tumor nursing methods; (5) the study of Alzheimer's disease nursing and dementia nursing; and (6) the study of apoplexy nursing caregiver. A total of 85570 articles of clinical nursing (not suitable for psychological nursing) were searched in Wanfang database, the accumulation of literature increased year by year, and the number of documents published in core journals increased year by year, but the percentage of documents and the frequency of citation showed a downward trend. From 2007 to 2009, the main research contents of clinical nursing in China were as follows: (1) Diabetes nursing, (2) nursing of tumor diseases, (3) nursing of elderly diseases, (4) nursing of complications; (5) Nursing of hypertension disease; 6 study of quality of life after nursing intervention; 7 nursing of chemotherapy; 8 study of compliance after nursing intervention; 9 nursing of constipation; 10 nursing of stroke disease. The main research contents of domestic clinical nursing from 2010 to 2012 were as follows: (1) nursing of diabetes mellitus; (2) nursing of tumor disease; (3) nursing of elderly disease; (4) study of quality of life (QOL) after nursing intervention; (5) nursing of complications; (6) Nursing of hypertension disease; 7 preventive nursing; 8 perioperative nursing; 9 nursing of pain; 10 study on compliance after nursing intervention. The main research contents of clinical nursing in China from 2013 to 2015 were as follows: (1) diabetes nursing; (2) nursing of complications; (3) tumor nursing; (4) quality of life after nursing intervention; (5) nursing of stroke disease; (6) nursing of elderly; (7) study of compliance after nursing intervention; Nursing of hypertension; nursing of constipation; nursing of prevention. [conclusion] Clinical nursing in China is in the stage of rapid development of Price law, the overall volume of literature publication is increasing rapidly, and the growth rate of literature is relatively large. The clinical nursing abroad is in the stable development stage, that is, the mature stage, the overall development of the literature volume is relatively fixed, the development speed is relatively stable.
【作者单位】: 山西医科大学;山西医科大学第一医院;
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