本文关键词:BIM模型面向工程项目管理的数据模型连接及应用开发 出处:《深圳大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着建筑信息模型(Building Information Modeling,BIM)技术在我国的引进和发展,基于BIM的工程项目管理研究与应用受到了来自学术界和软件供应商的关注。以BIM技术创建的模型,不仅包含了精确的构件粒度级别的几何数据,还提供了形象的可视化展示效果,为工程项目管理带来了新契机。然而,由于项目管理数据结构体系与BIM模型数据结构体系的衔接存在脱节问题,使得BIM技术在工程项目管理中难以推广。首先,本文通过了解BIM模型数据结构及项目管理数据结构的特点,对BIM模型提供的数据结构与项目管理数据结构的脱节问题进行探讨。从应用实现角度,探讨了BIM模型与项目管理数据结构体系有机结合的多种方案,并对这些方案进行对比分析,得出最优方案。其次,依据工程项目管理的需要,在BIM模型的基础上,应用方案整合时间数据、造价数据建立与项目管理有关的4D和5D数据库。本文从应用实现角度出发,分析了4D和5D项目数据的携带方式,通过对比分析BIM项目数据库内置方案与BIM项目数据库外置方案的优劣性,选用数据库外置的方式。同时,考虑到数据库设计的避免冗余、简单性等原则,并为了确保BIM项目库的数据满足需求,对BIM外置项目数据库的数据表、字段进行设计。此外,针对行业中工程造价数据缺乏有效积累的问题,提出工程造价数据进化机制。并结合工程造价数据库的数据需求,设计了工程造价数据库的数据表和字段。对于BIM三维模型数据库、BIM外置项目库和工程造价数据库在应用方案之间的联系也有所阐述。同时,针对项目管理与BIM模型提供的数据结构之间的脱节问题,提出了在项目管理中运用BIM技术的解决方案,并选用Revit软件进行BIM-Project-Linker(简称:BPLinker)应用程序的开发。BPLinker主要功能包括:构件信息读取、任务工程量根据资源单位自动识别匹配、快速查找、两种途径积累工程造价数据、一键输出BIM项目库的数据到项目管理软件MS Project中等功能。BPLinker旨在促进在我国落地实施BIM技术,使BIM技术在工程项目管理中得以运用。最后,结合案例对本文提出的BPLinker进行界面及功能展示,进而说明该应用程序的实现。
[Abstract]:With the building information model (Building Information Modeling BIM) technology in the introduction and development of our country, the BIM project management research and application based on received from academia and software vendors attention. To create a model of BIM technology, not only contains the geometric data structure level of granularity accurately, also provides image the visual display effect, bringing new opportunities for project management. However, due to the convergence of the project management data structure and data structure of BIM model system is disconnected, the BIM technology is difficult to popularize in the engineering project management. Firstly, through the understanding of the characteristics of BIM project management model of data structure and data structure, gap the BIM model of data structure and data structure of project management are discussed. From the perspective of the reality of application, discusses the BIM project management model and data structure. The organic combination of various scheme of system, and these schemes are analyzed, the optimal scheme is obtained. Secondly, according to the requirements of project management, based on the BIM model, application program integration time data and cost data to establish the number of 4D and 5D related to project management according to the library. From the application perspective of the realization. Analysis of the carrying 4D and 5D project data, through the comparative analysis of advantages and disadvantages of the BIM project database built-in scheme and the BIM project database external program, using external database method. At the same time, taking into account the database design to avoid redundancy, simple principle, and in order to ensure that the BIM project data to meet the demand of BIM external project database tables, fields of design. In addition, the effective accumulation of the industry of engineering cost in the lack of data, the evolutionary mechanism of engineering cost data. Combined with the engineering The price data demand, the design of the data table and field engineering cost database. For the BIM 3D model database, BIM library and external project project cost database application program in between are described. At the same time, according to the project management and BIM model according to the number of gap between structure, put forward the solution of using BIM technology in project management, and BIM-Project-Linker use Revit software (abbreviation: BPLinker) the main features of the application development of.BPLinker include: component information reading task, quantity automatic identification and matching, according to the resource units quickly find, two ways of accumulation project cost data, a key output of BIM project data to Project project management the secondary function of.BPLinker software MS to promote the implementation of BIM technology in our country, the BIM technology can be used in project management. After that, a case is used to show the interface and function of the BPLinker proposed in this paper, and then the implementation of the application is explained.
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