本文关键词:轮式装载机节能液压系统设计及控制策略研究 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 轮式装载机 全液压转向系统 工作装置液压系统 节能 控制策略
[Abstract]:Wheel loader is widely used in engineering field because of its flexible operation, low working environment and large single loading and unloading. However, as a typical high energy consumption engineering vehicle, it is widely concerned about under the background of energy saving and emission reduction. The steering and working device of wheel loader has become the focus of energy conservation research because of its low energy utilization ratio. The purpose of energy saving is not only to improve energy utilization ratio. More important is to achieve a series of results to reduce the cost of use. Therefore, this paper combines the project of "full condition extreme load spectrum measurement and extrapolation intelligent optimization of multi-power hybrid drive engineering vehicles" (National Natural Fund project). Based on the idea of series hybrid electric vehicle, the sac accumulator is used as the auxiliary power source to design the energy saving hydraulic system and put forward the corresponding control strategy. The main contents of this paper are as follows:. 1. A set of energy-saving hydraulic system is designed on the basis of traditional working device and full hydraulic steering system, which is based on the traditional hydraulic system of full hydraulic steering and working device. Add accumulator as auxiliary power source, and the combination of sensor, electromagnetic directional valve, controller and so on to form an energy-saving hydraulic system, to achieve the system supply power and load demand power matching, to reduce the overflow loss. The purpose of improving the efficiency of the whole vehicle is to combine the configuration of energy-saving hydraulic system with the characteristics of short working cycle and strong regularity of wheel loader. The control strategy is formulated by using the switch-power following control method. The control strategy is divided into working mode of steering system, operation mode of working device and idling mode, priority to ensure steering and interrelation between modes. Ensure the normal operation of steering cylinder and working unit hydraulic cylinder. Measure the pressure and flow rate of ZL30B wheel loader working device hydraulic system and full hydraulic steering system under multiple working conditions. The signals of temperature and piston displacement are analyzed and calculated. The efficiency of hydraulic system of full hydraulic steering and working device under various working conditions is obtained. 4. Under the combined simulation environment of AMEsim and Simulink, the working principle of key components, such as steering gear and multi-way valve, is combined. The original hydraulic system model is established and compared with the test data to prove the correctness of the model. The key components are selected and the energy-saving hydraulic system and its control strategy model are built based on the original hydraulic system model. The rationality of the configuration and control strategy of the energy-saving hydraulic system is verified by simulation analysis. The experimental results show that the energy-saving hydraulic system is compared with the original hydraulic system. The simulation and test data show that the proposed energy-saving hydraulic system and control strategy can ensure the normal operation of the steering and working device hydraulic system, and achieve a significant increase in efficiency.
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