本文关键词:方中空夹层钢管再生混凝土短柱轴压性能试验研究 出处:《延边大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 薄壁方中空夹层钢管 玻化微珠再生混凝土 破坏形态 轴压性能 轴压承载力 有限元分析
【摘要】:工信部发布的《建材工业发展规划(2016~2020)》中提出"在保证产品质量和生态安全的前提下,在水泥、混凝土、墙体材料和机制砂石等产品中提高消纳产业废弃物能力,逐步增加可消纳固废的品种。基于建筑废弃物生产绿色建材。"努力研制保温再生混凝土,有利于解决建筑垃圾浪费严重、污染环境的问题,有利于解决建筑节能存在的问题。基于太原理工大学和本校对于玻化微珠这一新型无机轻质绝热保温材料研究上取得的初步成果,结合方中空夹层钢管混凝土这种新的组合构件形式,本文提出薄壁方中空夹层钢管玻化微珠再生混凝土柱这一组合构件形式,并对轻质玻化微珠再生混凝土和轴压短柱开展了试验研究和理论分析。具体开展了以下的初步研究工作:(1)通过对粉煤灰掺量为20%,煅烧硅藻土掺量为3%,不同玻化微珠掺量(0%~120%)的100%再生粗骨料取代率混凝土的试验研究。结果表明:随着玻化微珠掺量的增加,再生混凝土的表观密度、弹性模量和导热系数均降低,当玻化微珠掺量为100%时,玻化微珠再生混凝土的立方体抗压强度可达32.55MPa,表观密度为1943kg/m~3,较普通混凝 2387kg/m~3降低22.9%,导热系数为 0.3243W/(m·K),较普通混凝土1.3153W/(m·K)降低74.6%;并整理分析得出玻化微珠再生混凝土fc与fcu的线性关系式:fc=0.81fcu。(2)通过对12个方中空夹层钢管再生混凝土短柱的轴压试验研究。结果表明:试件主要呈现出腰鼓形压皱破坏,空心试件由于内钢管的设置,能有效延缓构件发生局部鼓曲,增强构件抵抗变形的能力,并使荷载分布更加均匀,过渡平缓;宽厚比为64和88的100%玻化微珠掺量的再生混凝土空心试件较100%玻化微珠掺量的普通混凝土实心试件极限承载力分别提高4.2%和12.9%;约束效应系数ζ对实心试件、空心试件的轴压承载力提高系数及延性系数影响差别明显,空心试件比实心试件的延性系数平均提高24.4%。(3)采用有效宽度法考虑大宽厚比时外钢管的局部屈曲对极限承载力的不利影响,通过对试验数据的回归分析,得出实心和空心薄壁方钢管玻化微珠再生混凝土短柱的混凝土轴压强度提高系数k与约束效应系数ξ基本呈线性关系,推出本文实心和空心薄壁方钢管玻化微珠再生混凝土短柱的轴压承载力计算表达式,具有较高的计算精度,可为有关工程实践提供理论参考。(4)利用有限元软件ANSYS对12个方中空夹层钢管再生混凝土短柱进行了轴心受压的非线性分析,得出试件的应力、应变、位移变化特点以及极限轴压承载力。结果表明:试件的受力机理、变形特征及轴压承载力与试验实测结果吻合良好。
[Abstract]:The building materials industry development planning Ministry issued "(2016 ~ 2020)" proposed "in the guarantee of product quality and ecological safety, in the cement, concrete, improve the capability of wall materials and industrial waste disposal mechanism of sand and other products, and gradually increase the consumptive waste varieties. The production of green building materials based on construction waste." work on the thermal insulation of recycled concrete, to solve the serious waste of construction waste, environmental pollution problems, to solve the problems of building energy conservation. Taiyuan University of Technology and the school based on the glass beads of this new type of inorganic lightweight insulation materials research on the preliminary results, with a hollow sandwich steel tube concrete this new combination this component form, thin-walled square hollow sandwich steel tube glass beads of the recycled concrete column of this form of composite structure, and the lightweight glass beads regeneration coagulation And soil columns carried out experimental research and theoretical analysis. It has conducted preliminary research work as follows: (1) based on the amount of fly ash was 20%, calcined diatomite dosage is 3%, different amount of glass beads (0% ~ 120%) of the 100% replacement ratio of recycled coarse aggregate concrete test research results show that with increasing the amount of glass beads, the apparent density of recycled concrete, the elastic modulus and thermal conductivity were decreased, while the amount of glass beads is 100%, glass beads of recycled concrete compressive strength up to 32.55MPa, the apparent density of 1943kg/m~3, compared with the common coagulation 2387kg/m~3 decreased by 22.9% the thermal conductivity is 0.3243W/ (m, K), compared with ordinary concrete 1.3153W/ (M - K) decreased by 74.6%; and analyzed the linear relation of glazed hollow bead of recycled concrete FC and FCU: fc=0.81fcu. (2) through the 12 square hollow sandwich steel tube recycled concrete short columns Study on axial compression test. The results show that the specimen presents the drum shaped crushed specimens due to damage, hollow pipes in settings, can effectively delay the occurrence of local buckling component to enhance the ability to resist deformation, component, and the load distribution is more uniform, smooth transition; width to thickness ratio of ordinary concrete and recycled concrete hollow solid 64 88 of the 100% amount of glass beads of the specimen is 100% the amount of glass beads specimens increased 4.2% and 12.9% respectively the ultimate bearing capacity; coefficient of confinement effect on zeta solid specimen, hollow test coefficient and ductility coefficient of different bearing capacity of axial compression, the hollow specimen than solid test ductility coefficient the average increase of 24.4%. (3) using the effective width method considering the adverse effects of local buckling of large aspect ratio when the outer steel tube on the ultimate bearing capacity, through regression analysis of the test data, the solid and hollow thin-walled square steel Tube glass beads of recycled concrete short columns under axial compression strength coefficient K and constraint effect coefficient linear relations, this paper introduced solid and hollow thin-walled square steel tubular glass beads of recycled concrete short columns under axial compression bearing capacity calculation formula, the calculation has a high precision, can provide a theoretical reference for practical engineering. (4) of 12 square hollow sandwich steel tube concrete short column under axial compression is analyzed by nonlinear finite element software ANSYS, obtained the stress, strain, displacement and change characteristics of ultimate axial bearing capacity. The test results show that the stress mechanism, deformation characteristics and compressive capacity and the measured results are in good agreement.
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