本文关键词:山东地区既有公共建筑节能改造及节能率的研究 出处:《山东建筑大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 既有公共建筑 调研分析 DeST能耗模拟 节能改造 节能率
[Abstract]:Energy problem has always been a major problem puzzling the survival and development of mankind, as the fastest growing economic power in the world. Energy problem is particularly prominent in our country. How to break through the bottleneck of energy development is a major challenge facing our country at this stage. Building energy saving is one of the key coping strategies. Building energy saving is a social action involving all aspects of society, closely related to engineering technology, cultural concept, life style, social equity and other issues. The research work of building energy conservation is of great significance. This paper takes the existing public buildings in Shandong area as the research object, and adopts the methods of field investigation, literature reference and numerical simulation. The present situation of energy consumption of existing public buildings in Shandong area, the potential of energy-saving transformation and the appropriate technical route are studied. The main research contents are as follows: through the reference of literature, the method of field investigation. This paper investigates the basic information and energy use of all kinds of existing public buildings in Shandong Province, such as office office, business office, shopping mall, hotel and so on. Among them, the basic information includes: building type, building area. The location of the building, completion time, the implementation of energy-saving standards, building envelope structure information, heating heat source, air conditioning cold source and other content; The use of building energy is the electricity, artificial gas, natural gas and coal consumed in the operation of buildings from 2012 to 2014. The annual data of municipal heating and other energy sources. Statistical analysis of the data obtained by the use of mathematical statistics, the status quo of energy consumption of all kinds of public buildings in Shandong area is obtained. Office building energy consumption 144.8 kWh-m-2? A, business office building energy consumption 176.1 kWh-1 / m2? A, shopping mall energy consumption 247.4 kWh-m-2? A, five-star hotel energy consumption 204.2 kWh-m2? A, four-star hotel energy consumption 150.3 kWh-m-2? Energy consumption of three stars and below 137.6 kWh-1 / m2? According to the investigation and research, four existing buildings (one for office, one for business, one for shopping mall and one for hotel) are selected as typical buildings to establish computer model, and the building energy consumption simulation software DeST is used. For energy consumption simulation, the simulation results and statistical data are compared and analyzed. The deviation of energy consumption of office building, business office building, shopping mall building and hotel building in Shandong area is 4.4%, respectively. 8. 6% and 6. 7%, the simulated energy consumption is basically consistent with the investigation energy consumption. The model of public building provided by GB50189-2015 is taken as reference, and the energy saving rate is calculated by comparison and evaluation method. The energy saving potential of the existing public buildings in Shandong area is analyzed, and the thermal performance of the envelope structure of the existing public buildings in this area is improved, which will bring about 7.1010% energy saving rate. Improving the performance of chillers and increasing COP can save energy 2.93% 4.12%; Lighting optimization, the use of high-efficiency equipment, can save energy 6.74 / 11.45. on the basis of the common technologies of energy-saving transformation of public buildings in cold areas. This paper analyzes the technical measures suitable for the renovation of the existing public buildings in Shandong in the aspects of enclosure structure, HVAC system, lighting system and so on. Combined with the typical building model, this paper puts forward the suitable technical scheme of energy-saving transformation of the existing public buildings in this area, and obtains the energy-saving effect by using the computer simulation. Taking the single energy saving measure income investment ratio that is the SIR value and the energy saving rate of the energy saving scheme as the analysis index, the economic analysis of the established model shows that the optimal energy saving rate of the scheme is 11.21%. The investment payback period is 4.93 a.
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