发布时间:2018-01-12 06:13
本文关键词:常州地区地源热泵系统对土壤的热影响分析 出处:《太阳能学报》2017年09期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:根据常州地区某地源热泵系统中地埋管换热器的布局情况,选择包括195个地埋管换热器的区域为研究对象。基于实测数据建立6层概化三维模型,并验证模型的有效性。在冷热负荷不平衡时,通过仿真研究间歇运行对土壤热环境的影响,以及正常运行时10 a内系统对土壤热影响的范围和程度。
[Abstract]:According to the layout of ground buried tube heat exchanger in a ground source heat pump system in Changzhou area, the area including 195 ground buried tube heat exchangers is selected as the research object. Based on the measured data, a six layer generalized 3D model is established. Under the condition of unbalance of cold and heat load, the effects of intermittent operation on soil thermal environment and the range and extent of system influence on soil heat in 10 years during normal operation were studied by simulation.
【作者单位】: 江苏城乡建设职业学院;
【正文快照】: 0引言随着对建筑节能要求的不断提高,土壤源热泵系统作为一种节能、环保并对环境无害的绿色采暖空调技术在全球范围内得以迅速发展,在工程数量迅速增加的同时,工程规模也越来越大[1]。土壤的热环境不仅会对大规模土壤源热泵机组和系统性能产生重要影响,甚至会影响到系统的长期,