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发布时间:2018-01-13 17:44

  本文关键词:医院建设工程质量管理评价体系研究 出处:《中国科学院大学(中国科学院工程管理与信息技术学院)》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 医院建筑 质量管理 评价体系 层次分析法

[Abstract]:Hospital engineering quality is not only related to the quality of medical service, the medical staff working environment, but also related to the health of patients. The hospital construction project because of its particularity and the complexity of management, leading to the hospital construction engineering quality management is more important. How comprehensive, scientific, objective evaluation the hospital construction project quality, and on the basis of the hospital construction project quality scientific supervision, management and control, is very concerned about the whole society has become a problem. In this paper, according to the difficulties of current situation of hospital construction project quality management and practical work, the hospital construction project quality management process and characteristics are expatiated and analyzed. Study, quality control points and control measures of hospital quality management of construction projects in various stages, targeted, scientific evaluation of hospital construction The quality status, and on the basis of this research. First, by reading literature, research situation and practical experience of quality management at home and abroad to study, summarize the main points of quality management, quality assessment of key construction projects; then, in-depth analysis of the particularity of the hospital construction project quality, in the analysis of the factors influencing the construction quality of hospital on the basis of summarizing the previous 35 projects on the use of expert interviews; secondly, using the method of expert investigation, AHP quantitative analysis of data on the basis of research method, covering different classes, different people from different perspectives of identity, experience and data collection information, the influence degree of the use of software to calculate the evaluation index; then, to analyze and summarize the evaluation results, the ranking of the evaluation index, find the key factors, and using the method of quality management to develop the quality management measures; finally, the The establishment of the evaluation system and application of the hospital building project example, and formulate corresponding management measures. This article will establish a systematic, scientific, pertinence evaluation system, scientific description and evaluation on hospital construction project quality, and the evaluation system is applied to the engineering practice, for the hospital project management reference in the practice of hospital construction quality assessment and the trend of its future development mechanism, and improve the hospital quality management level of construction projects and construction management of the hospital quality management capability.



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