本文关键词:花岗岩球砾法向恢复系数试验研究 出处:《岩石力学与工程学报》2017年03期 论文类型:期刊论文
更多相关文章: 岩石力学 花岗岩球砾 法向恢复系数 尺寸效应 速率效应
[Abstract]:Normal recovery coefficient is the key parameter of rock mass movement analysis, and its value directly determines the movement track of block stone. In order to determine the normal recovery coefficient of granite ball-gravel collision strictly, the influencing factors are analyzed. By using the self-designed impact test device and audio sampling technology, the normal recovery coefficient of granite ball-gravel collision is accurately measured, and the size and impact velocity of the boulder are studied. The effects of water state and elastic properties of the plate on the recovery coefficient; Based on the elastic contact theory, the maximum contact stress of the collision process is derived, and the maximum contact stress P _ S _ 0, the collision initiation velocity and the collision damage velocity are derived. The tangent rate of contact stress k is constructed to describe the rate correlation of the collision process, and the size effect and rate effect of the normal recovery coefficient of the collision are analyzed. The mechanism of energy dissipation during collision is discussed. The experimental results show that the normal recovery coefficient of granitic boulders has obvious size effect, especially at low speed. The rate effect of normal recovery coefficient is also obvious, and the rate effect is affected by the size of boulder and the elastic property of plate. The greater the equivalent modulus of elasticity E * is, the smaller the normal recovery coefficient is when the size and velocity of the ball gravel are the same. The theoretical analysis shows that the normal recovery coefficient is controlled by the internal factors of the rule of normal recovery coefficient: (1) Pak 0 max1) and k (K) and K are the internal factors controlling the change of normal recovery coefficient. Both the size and the velocity are changed by changing PIM and k to make the normal recovery coefficient show complex size effect and rate effect.
【作者单位】: 武汉大学土木建筑工程学院;
【正文快照】: 1 引言 岩质边坡崩塌是自然界中常见的地质灾害之一,对山区公路、桥梁、铁路、房屋建筑等构成了严重威胁[1-3]。M.D.Cruden和J.D.Varnes[4]将这种地质灾害分为2个阶段:第一阶段为岩体从边坡上剥离;第二阶段为剥离后岩块在边坡上下落、碰撞和翻转的运动过程。对于易岩崩的地区
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