本文关键词:大山包国际重要湿地生态保护区内村落景观研究 出处:《昆明理工大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Ecological protection of wetlands of international importance is reflected in the human and the nature harmonious coexistence initiatives. Dashanbao wetland of international importance as a national animal protection of the black necked cranes habitat, with good landscape resources and great ecological benefits. However, tourism development has accelerated the degradation of wetland habitats; to expand the size of the population, causes the contradiction of crane serious, difficult to balance the allocation of resources. The protection of Dashanbao environment, management of protected areas has been plagued by three problems in the development of indigenous people's survival village landscape features disappear and protection. The ecological protection zone in the village landscape is becoming the concern of researchers, it combines the natural, social, economic, cultural, landscape the ecological theories, the study can make the traditional style of the village landscape continues at the same time, alleviate the effect of reserve in the village of black necked cranes and wetland. This thesis According to the present situation of Dashanbao relationship of ecological protection and village landscape, study the living habits of wetland and black necked and village with game and coordination and put forward the countermeasure of the habitat of black necked cranes, village landscape and ecological protection coordinated development. Analysis of the factors affecting the formation of the village landscape, the village landscape deeply research and characteristic, reveal Dashanbao international important wetland ecological protection zone in the village landscape distribution. According to the influence of the village unique type of natural factors and social environmental factors, to develop classification criteria in Dashanbao village, the ecological protection area the village is divided into ecological relocation type, control type and landscape reconstruction. Keep the macro according to ecological relocation type village relocation after the restoration of ecological landscape development, preservation of the village to develop control village landscape landscape restoration, reconstruction of the village The strategic policy of village landscape reconstruction is formulated. Microscopic elements of village landscape are analyzed, combined with "Xing Xing Village" as a case study.
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