发布时间:2018-01-20 23:16
本文关键词: 岱海 温泉小镇 滨水景观 出处:《内蒙古农业大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:温泉度假旅游是现今旅游热点之一,随着行业的发展与游客需求的提高,要求温泉度假区景观必须拥有优渥的生态环境与文化内涵。因此,岱海温泉小镇滨水景观就成为了设计阶段中的重点元素。通过大量文献整理分析及实地勘察,研究学习滨水景观设计以及季节性河流沿岸环境规划治理的相关理论。分析各岸段驳岸、生态环境的具体情况,结合立地条件,因地制宜地进行景观结构的梳理。在此基础上,结合景观生态学原理,以生态环境可持续发展为目标,学习借鉴"海绵城市"理念精髓,构建滨水景观规划设计的理论框架。在设计主导思想的引领下,将滨水景观空间从整体规划落实到具体细节的阐述。在本次温泉小镇滨水景观规划设计中,将历史文化元素与园林景观相结合,以"源远流长"为设计主题,将整体滨水景观空间分为"一心"、"一带"、"多组团"的空间格局,按照使用功能由南至北依次分为缓冲林带区、休闲娱乐区、活力健身区、田园风光区、大地风景区五大功能分区。针对不同分区,进行岱海温泉小镇滨水景观规划设计,包括对植物景观、园林小品、道路景观、驳岸景观详细的景观设计。岱海温泉小镇南起S102省道,北至大庙、西营子村,南北跨度约为5.5km;东起东水塘村,西至边墙村,东西跨度约为3.2km,面积约为1657 hm2。本次滨水景观规划设计针对温泉小镇内东西两侧两条自然河道中的东河滨水绿带进行景观规划设计,规划面积97hm2。针对河道这一自然环境中的重要组成元素,致力于提供一处功能丰富、参与性强、具有文化品位的滨水景观空间;通过植物的选择与配置,营造与周围环境相辅相成的园林绿地,使岱海温泉小镇滨水景观不仅为使用者提供一处休闲娱乐场所,更是一处集生态修复、防洪排涝、减少地表径流功能为一体的综合性滨水景观带。本着以人为本,尊重自然的原则,以创造一个健康的滨水生态景观系统、滨水绿廊为目标。通过岱海温泉旅游度假区滨水景观的建设带动温泉产业的发展,同时营造宜居生态环境,创建人水和谐的滨水景观。
[Abstract]:Hot spring vacation tourism is one of the hot spots of tourism nowadays. With the development of the industry and the improvement of tourist demand, the hot spring resort landscape must have excellent ecological environment and cultural connotation. The waterfront landscape of Daihai hot spring town has become the key element in the design stage. Study waterfront landscape design and seasonal river coastal environmental planning and management of relevant theories. Analyze the specific conditions of each bank, ecological environment, combined with site conditions. Combing the landscape structure according to local conditions. On this basis, combined with the principles of landscape ecology, taking the sustainable development of ecological environment as the goal, we can learn from the essence of the concept of "sponge city". Construction of waterfront landscape planning and design of the theoretical framework. Under the guidance of the design ideas, waterfront landscape space from the overall planning to the elaboration of specific details. In this hot spring town waterfront landscape planning and design. Combining the historical and cultural elements with the landscape, taking "long history" as the design theme, the whole waterfront landscape space is divided into "one mind", "area" and "multi-group" spatial pattern. According to the use of function from south to north is divided into buffer forest zone, leisure and entertainment area, vitality fitness area, rural scenery area, earth scenic area, five functional divisions. Planning and design of waterfront landscape of Daihai hot spring town, including plant landscape, landscape sketch, road landscape, barge landscape detailed landscape design. Daihai hot spring town south of S102 provincial road, north to the temple. Xiyingzi village, the span of north and south is about 5.5 km; Dongqidong Shuitang village, west to the side wall village, the east and west span is about 3.2 km. The area is about 1657hm2.The waterfront landscape planning and design is aimed at the East River waterfront green belt in the east and west side of the two natural rivers in the small town of hot spring. The planning area is 97hm2.In view of the important element in the natural environment, the river channel is devoted to providing a waterfront landscape with rich function, strong participation and cultural taste. Through the selection and allocation of plants, the construction of green garden and the surrounding environment complement each other, so that the waterfront landscape of Daihai hot spring town not only provides a leisure and entertainment place for users, but also a collection of ecological restoration. Flood control and drainage, reduce the function of surface runoff as an integrated waterfront landscape zone. In line with the principle of people-oriented, respect for nature, in order to create a healthy waterfront ecological landscape system. Through the construction of waterfront landscape in Daihai Hot Spring tourist Resort, the development of hot spring industry is promoted, and the livable ecological environment is created to create a harmonious waterfront landscape.
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