发布时间:2018-01-22 03:47
本文关键词: 船坚炮利 鸦片战争 炮台 棱堡 绿营兵 出处:《自然辩证法通讯》2017年03期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The idea of building a city in ancient and modern times of China is a layer of fortification, but this "city of square corners, hollow platform" has defects in the function of resisting the enemy, and it has entered the Qing Dynasty since the Ming Dynasty. The coastal area was replaced by the demilitarization trend of Weiyuan city and castle type battery, and the concept of battery was mainly offensive. From the beginning of Qing Dynasty to the end of Qing Dynasty, the sea and river areas of China. The artillery in the battery experienced three steps from the wall to the ground and then to the semi-underground. Construction materials from the striped stone wall, masonry and outside of the wall covered with trunked to the imported cement and steel plate structure; The fortress form from castle type to gun hole type, and then to the western style architecture of the Ming Tai hidden way. China's inferior river and sea turret technology is the materialization of people's thought and various conditions of the time. This can be explained by both technical and social factors.
【作者单位】: 河南科技大学马克思主义学院;
【基金】:国家哲学社科基金项目(15BZS071) 豫高校哲学社科研究优秀学者项目(2015-YXXZ-20) 豫教育厅人文社科研究项目(2016-ZC-019)
【正文快照】: 在黑火药兵器存续的千年时期,尤其在自行火炮或汽车拖拽火炮出现之前,中西炮台是重要的火力防御和打击阵地。如明清中国海防、江防、边防和城防炮台等,是随着火炮发展而出现的一种攻防工事,常设置在较重要的江海口岸和其它险要之处。在多数情况下,孤立的炮台难以作战,一般要与,