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发布时间:2018-01-22 15:06

  本文关键词: 热负荷预测 层级热量结算点 相关性分析 组合预测 信息熵 Adaboost 出处:《太原理工大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Heating is an important basic industry and public utilities. The relationship beneficial to the people's livelihood with heating commercialization, heating load forecasting as heating planning, production scheduling, and trading based work, plays an important role in the safe and economical operation of heating system. For heat load forecasting accuracy directly affects the quality of heat supply system, safety and economy. With the heating system energy saving and emission reduction in the progress of the wisdom and the demand for heating, the heating load forecasting has increasingly become the frontier and hot issues in the research field, the research on energy saving and emission reduction, plays an important role in the governance haze. Due to the lag, the heat loss of the pipe network, the user types the complexity of the differences lead to different urban heating system heat clearing heat load has different characteristic points, the heating load according to the level of heat According to settlement, analysis of the impact of each factor, the intelligent algorithms and the related theory of combination prediction technology to urban heating system is based on the measured data, in-depth study of the theory and method of the level of the heating load forecasting, provide scientific decision-making basis for the operation and management of heating system. The main research work and innovation are as follows: (1) the characteristics of heat load settlement of different levels of heat, analyzed the related factors of heat load forecast error cause and influence factors of heat load; according to the outlier data historical data samples for vertical and horizontal pretreatment, to make it more consistent with the heat load of the actual operation, and for later use these history the sample data has laid the foundation for short-term load forecasting at all levels of thermal heat settlement; the application of correlation analysis in all levels of heat clearing point pre heat load Measuring the input dimension of model selection, the input variables and the level of prediction of heat load correlation is stronger, make further preparations for accuracy and improve the prediction performance to improve the prediction results; in addition, the parameters into the model are normalized to avoid the parameters into the model for numerical difference caused the prediction performance decline. (2) based on structural risk minimization principle of particle swarm optimization (PSO) support vector machine (SVM) prediction model of heat source heat load. The method to solve the system thermal inertia, large time delay in heat load nonlinear problems with the outdoor temperature change has a better effect. To establish a genetic optimization support (GA) support vector machine (SVM), standard support vector machine (SVM) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) support vector machine (SVM) and heat load of three kinds of prediction model, through the correlation analysis and determine the model input Variable dimension (PSO) proved that particle swarm optimization support vector machine (SVM) model is superior in the prediction accuracy and generalization ability of the other two kinds of forecasting model. (3) for the heat exchange station user type is relatively single, large sample size problems, put forward a combination of AdaBoost to construct a weak predictor a strong predictor of heat exchange station heat load forecasting method based on weak predictor. Using large sample processing, BP neural network model for fault tolerant ability, optimize the network weights and threshold selection after selected particle swarm algorithm (PSO). By using the AdaBoost theory of 9 Particle Swarm (PSO) to build a prediction a strong prediction model of BP neural network optimized by correlation analysis. According to the heat exchange station heat load and parameters related to historical data sample, selected factors related to thermal load as input variables of predictive model Finally, dimension, and particle swarm optimization (PSO) method of BP neural network and the traditional BP neural network method to optimize the experimental results show that the model proposed in this paper effectively improved the station heat load forecasting accuracy and generalization ability of heat exchange. (4) for the number of building heat load and heat metering caused by small sample the user control law uncertain problems, put forward two kinds of forecast methods. Combined particle swarm will solve small sample nonlinear problems (PSO) optimization of support vector machine (SVM) particle swarm models and fault tolerant ability (PSO) to optimize the BP neural network model as a single method in combination forecasting model, information entropy theory to extract useful the single information in the prediction model based on the useful information extracted from fusion to produce more combination prediction method based on particle swarm combination; Adaboost (PSO) on the idea of optimization BP neural network model, Stimulate the support vector machine will deal with small samples and nonlinear problem (SVM) model as a weak predictor is constructed, consisting of 8 weak predictor building heat load forecast model combined with the Adaboost theory. The correlation analysis of building heat load and its related parameters, to find suitable for their respective input variables in the model, through the examples, more than two kinds of combination prediction methods were compared with the single prediction model has higher information entropy, the combination method based on edge, can predict residential building heat load better.



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