本文关键词: 火灾 悬链线效应 波纹腹板梁 均匀温度分布 不均匀温度分布 出处:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The mechanical properties of the whole structure under fire and high temperature are obviously different from those of the independent beam. The mechanical properties of the steel itself decay rapidly with the rising temperature, and the deflection of the steel beam increases obviously, because of the constraint of the adjacent structure. Axial tension is produced in the beam. The catenary bending moment formed by the tension in the beam and the deflection in the middle of the span helps the steel beam to carry on. The catenary effect of restrained steel beams at high temperature significantly enhances the fire resistance limit of the beams. The webs in corrugated web beams enhance their shear buckling capacity, and the webs can be made thinly by breaking through the specified limit of height to thickness ratio. Under the same flexural capacity, the steel consumption is greatly saved and widely used in engineering structures. However, the bending of the web greatly weakens the axial stiffness of the beam. In this paper, the catenary effect of constrained corrugated web beam under uniform and non-uniform temperature distribution is analyzed and studied by ABAQUS model, which is verified by experiments at high temperature. The fire resistance design suggestion of constrained corrugated web beam is given. The study of catenary effect of corrugated web beam under uniform temperature distribution: firstly, the mechanism of catenary effect of restrained steel beam is analyzed, and the bearing mechanism and fire response of restrained steel beam are given. Then the similarities and differences between corrugated web beam and flat web steel beam in the catenary effect of fire are compared and analyzed. Finally, the catenary effect of corrugated web beam under uniform temperature rise is analyzed. The catenary effect of corrugated web beam under uneven temperature distribution is studied: firstly, the mechanism of catenary effect of corrugated web beam under uneven heating is analyzed. Then the catenary effect of restrained steel beam under uniform and uneven heating is studied, and the large deformation behavior of restrained steel beam under different temperature parameters is analyzed. Finally, parametric analysis of catenary effect of corrugated web beam under two temperature distributions is carried out. The design of restrained corrugated web beam is discussed, and whether the beam ends are restrained or not is given. The fire resistance design of corrugated web beam with different section temperature distribution is suggested, and the fire resistance design of corrugated web beam with different cross section temperature distribution is transformed into the fire resistant design of flat web steel beam with uniform temperature distribution. The existing simplified calculation formula is used to calculate the fire resistance of corrugated web beam. The internal pressure of corrugated web beam is much smaller than that of flat web steel beam, and the catenary effect occurs earlier, the deflection of beam in the center of beam is fully developed under uniform heating, and the damage temperature in uniform heating is obviously higher than that in non-uniform heating. The maximum pressure in the beam increases significantly with the increase of the restrained stiffness at the end of the beam. The smaller the load ratio, the better the fire resistance of the corrugated web beam with greater ratio of span to height.
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